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spark UI - Understand metrics memory used

Could you please help me understand the metrics on spark UI Memory: 10 MB Used (552.6 GB Total)

PartitionNumber.nbExecutors = conf.getInt("spark.executor.instances", 20)
PartitionNumber.nbPartitions = PartitionNumber.nbExecutors * conf.getInt("spark.executor.cores", 2) * 3
  conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", PartitionNumber.nbPartitions.toString())

Is it correct that the memory used is 10Mb and the available memory 552Gb ?

Any help or suggestions you could provide would be greatly appreciated



  • The total memory available for all executors: 552.6 Gb and the total memory used by all executors: 10 Mb

    You can see it in "Storage memory" column (memory available to a Spark executor for storing and caching rdds/dfs). Each executor uses 169.1 Kb out of 9.1 Gb and there are 61 execs:

    61 * 169.1 Kb ~= 10 Mb 61 * 9.1 Gb ~= 555 Gb