We have a situation where we want to search text against category documents, which are enriched by a keywords field. These keywords are terms and phrases curated by subject matter experts and GPT.
We want to be able to use queries ranging in length from 1 word to a medium sized paragraph, which will return the most suitable category based (primarily) on the keywords field.
We have the following test setup in our schema:
document category {
field id type int {
indexing: summary | attribute
field title type string {
indexing: summary | attribute | index
index: enable-bm25
field keywords type array<string> {
indexing: summary | index
field title_embedding type tensor<bfloat16>(x[384]) {
indexing: input title | embed bert | attribute | index
attribute {
distance-metric: angular
fieldset default {
fields: title
We have tried the following profile:
rank-profile bm25_semantic inherits default {
inputs {
query(query_embedding) tensor<bfloat16>(x[384])
first-phase {
expression: bm25(title) + matches(keywords) + closeness(field, title_embedding)
Together with the following query:
SELECT * FROM category WHERE userQuery() OR rank(keywords contains 'X' OR keywords contains 'Y') OR ({targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(title_embedding,query_embedding))
We have been able to get decent results with this configuration, but it's not scalable because:
keywords contains 'X'
argument needs to be repeated potentially many times depending on the query, as 'X' and 'Y' represent tokens in the query.
EG: query="Here is a sample text about mice and mosquitos"
which would give: "...OR keywords contains 'mice' OR keywords contains 'mosquitos'..."
Essentially we're looking for a solution which is the inverse of the contains
argument. So instead of keywords contains "text"
, we need something like "text" contains keywords
where the keywords are ideally included in the index.
We are still fairly new to Vespa, so we're not sure the proper approach to handling keywords. Is a different data/field structure setup required to handle this, or can this be done by building out a dedicated rank profile?
Any help would be appreciated!
"we're looking for a solution which is the inverse of the contains argument."
This operator is called weightedSet: where weightedSet(keywords, {"mice":1, "mosquitos":1})
On queries and keywords in different languages: No tokenization is done on the individual tokens you pass in YQL, for that you need to pass in raw text with userQuery, and then you can control it by setting a grammar parameter.