I have two tables. cars and booking.
I have in booking 5 columns:
km int
km_50 int
km_100 int
km_200 int
km_300 int
km_500 int
So when I have 20 rows then I want to sum all 20 rows with all the datas in booking is that possible ?
I get a result its also fine but can I have only one row and all added rows is in there ?
now I get this:
{ car_id: 8, k: '0', k1: '2', k2: '0', k3: '0', k4: '0', k5: '0' },
{ car_id: 8, k: '0', k1: '3', k2: '1', k3: '0', k4: '0', k5: '0' },
SUM(be.km) as k,
SUM(be.km_50) as k1,
SUM(be.km_100) as k2,
SUM(be.km_200) as k3,
SUM(be.km_300) as k4,
SUM(be.km_500) as k5
FROM booking b
INNER JOIN booking_extras be
ON be.booking_id = b.id
WHERE car_id = 8
GROUP BY b.car_id, be.km, be.km_50, be.km_100,
be.km_200, be.km_300, be.km_500
I want this result:
{ k: '0', k1: '5', k2: '1', k3: '0', k4: '0', k5: '0' }
so when you look at the above result all same key values are added in one. when a in a row exists k1 = 3 and in ohter row k1 = 5 then I want sum all that in one.
You have the right idea, but you're grouping by all the columns. Instead, you should group only by the columns that should be unique in the result (the car_id
in this case) and aggregate the others (as you've done with the sum
SELECT b.car_id,
SUM(be.km) as k,
SUM(be.km_50) as k1,
SUM(be.km_100) as k2,
SUM(be.km_200) as k3,
SUM(be.km_300) as k4,
SUM(be.km_500) as k5
FROM booking b
INNER JOIN booking_extras be ON be.booking_id = b.id
WHERE car_id = 8
GROUP BY b.car_id -- Only group by car_id