I am trying to use Gradio blocks as inputs to create variables. The variables are then sent to a function to be used to format a string.
The variables that the Gradio blocks create are not accepted by the later function. Details below.
Here is the Gradio "front-end" Gradio code that aims to produce the variables that I want:
with gr.Blocks() as main:
with gr.Tab("The Workout Plan"):
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
age = gr.Number(label="Age"), #1 Age
weight = gr.Number(label="Weight (lbs)"), #2 weight
sex = gr.Dropdown( #3 sex
label="Biological Sex",
choices=["Male", "Female"]),
with gr.Column():
goal = gr.Dropdown( #4 goal
label="What is your primary goal?",
choices=["Hypertrophy (muscle growth)", "Power Lifting (strength increase)", "Flexibility and Mobility"]),
location = gr.Dropdown( #5 location
label="Where do you work out?",
choices=["At a gym", "At home"]
style = gr.Dropdown( #6 workout style
label="What type of training do you prefer?",
choices=["Full body", "Upper-lower split", "Push-pull split", "Body-part split", "Compound exercises", "Olympic lifts"]
days = gr.Slider(1, 7, value=3, step=1, label="Days per Week"), #7
workout_time = gr.Dropdown( #8
label="How much time per workout?",
choices=["30 minutes", "45 minutes", "60 minutes", "75 minutes", "90 minutes", "120 minutes"]
warm_up = gr.Checkbox(label="Do you want a warm-up included?"), #9
stretching = gr.Checkbox(label="Do you want a stretching session after?") #10
submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Create my plan")
with gr.Column():
plan = gr.Textbox("The final plan")
with gr.Tab("Explanation"):
gr.Markdown("this is where the explination will go")
And here is the function that I am trying to use these variables in:
def generate_workout(age, weight, sex, goal, location, style, days, workout_time, warm_up, stretching): # all 10 "variables"
age = int(age)
if warm_up:
warm_up = "that includes a warmup"
warm_up = ""
if stretching:
stretching = "than includes stretching"
stretching = ""
prompt = f"Create a {goal} {style} workout plan for a {age}-year-old {sex} weighing {weight} lbs using {location} equipment, working out {days} days a week, where each workout is less than {workout_time}, {warm_up}, {stretching}"
return prompt
Here is the code for the "submit_btn" that is supposed to create the prompt:
line 78, in <module>
File "../lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/events.py", line 145, in click
dep = self.set_event_trigger(
File "../lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/blocks.py", line 227, in set_event_trigger
"inputs": [block._id for block in inputs],
File "../lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/blocks.py", line 227, in <listcomp>
"inputs": [block._id for block in inputs],
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_id'
I'm expecting the variables to get saved, which they seem to be, and then be able to use them within other functions to later be linked to Gradio buttons or events.
I'm not sure if this is an inherent flaw with Gradio, or if I am missing something from the Gradio Blocks Docs.
Thanks in advance,
The problem of your code are the commas after the component definitions for example:
age = gr.Number(label="Age"), #1 Age
As those are normal python variable declarations, commas are not supposed to be there removing them everywhere where necessary makes your code working fine:
age = gr.Number(label="Age") #1 Age
The reason for this is that commas automatically create a tuple:
a = 3,
>>> <class 'tuple'>
contrary to
a = 3
>>> <class 'int'>