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In scala 3, is it possible to make covariant/contravariant type constructor to honour coercive subtyping?

This is a simple example:

object CoerciveCovariance {

  trait Cov[+T]

  def cast[A, B](v: Cov[A])(
      ev: A <:< B
  ) = {
    v: Cov[B]

It doesn't compile:

CoerciveCovariance.scala:11:5: Found:    (v : xxx.CoerciveCovariance.Cov[A])
Required: xxx.CoerciveCovariance.Cov[B]
one error found

Is it very hard to make to compiler to figure out the missing coercive upcasting from Cov[A] to Cov[B]? Why is it not the default behaviour?


  • Because type inference and implicit resolution are different. <: and + belong to type inference, <:< belongs to implicit resolution.

    They make impact to each other. Indeed, type inference makes impact to implicit resolution

    trait TC[A]
    implicit val int: TC[Int] = null
    def foo[A](a: A)(implicit tc: TC[A]) = null
    foo(1) // compiles
    foo("a") // doesn't compile

    Here firstly type A is inferred to be Int (or String) and then it's checked that there is an implicit for Int (and no implicit for String).

    Similarly, implicit resolution makes impact to type inference

    trait TC[A, B]
    implicit val int: TC[Int, String] = null
    def foo[A, B](a: A)(implicit tc: TC[A, B]): B = ???
    val x = foo(1)
    // checking the type
    x: String // compiles

    Here the type String was inferred from the type class having the only instance.

    So type inference and implicit resolution make impact to each other but are different.

    If A <: B then A <:< B

    def test[A <: B, B] = implicitly[A <:< B] // compiles

    but if A <:< B then not necessarily A <: B

    def checkSubtype[A <: B, B] = null
    def test[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B) = checkSubtype[A, B] // doesn't compile

    <: is checked by the compiler according to the spec

    <:< is just a type class

    sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To) with Serializable

    with the only instance

    object <:< {
      implicit def refl[A]: A =:= A = singleton.asInstanceOf[A =:= A] // the instance
    sealed abstract class =:=[From, To] extends (From <:< To) with Serializable

    So <:< doesn't have many properties of an order. By default there is no transitivity

    def test[A, B, C](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< C) = implicitly[A <:< C] // doesn't compile

    no antisymmetry

    def test[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< A) = implicitly[A =:= B] // doesn't compile

    no monotonicity

    def test[A, B, F[+_]](implicit ev: A <:< B) = implicitly[F[A] <:< F[B]] // doesn't compile

    Although starting from Scala 2.13 the following methods are defined in the standard library

    sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To) with Serializable {
      def andThen[C](r: To <:< C): From <:< C = {
        type G[-T] = T <:< C
      def liftCo[F[+_]]: F[From] <:< F[To] = {
        type G[+T] = F[From] <:< F[T]
    object <:< {
      def antisymm[A, B](implicit l: A <:< B, r: B <:< A): A =:= B = singleton.asInstanceOf[A =:= B]

    but they do not define implicits. So if you need these properties you can define transitivity

    implicit def trans[A, B, C](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< C): A <:< C = ev.andThen(ev1)
    def test[A, B, C](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< C) = implicitly[A <:< C] // compiles

    Antisymmetry is trickier

    implicit def antisym[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< A): (A =:= B) = <:<.antisymm[A, B]
    def test[A, B](implicit ev2: A <:< B, ev3: B <:< A) = implicitly[A =:= B] // doesn't compile

    If you resolve implicits manually ... = implicitly[A =:= B](antisym[A, B]), you'll see the reason (although implicitly[A =:= B](antisym[A, B](ev2, ev3)) works)

    ambiguous implicit values:
     both method antisym in object App of type [A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< A): A =:= B
     and value ev2 of type A <:< B
     match expected type A <:< B

    So you have to resolve this ambiguity prioritizing implicits. You can't decrease the priority of implicit parameter ev2. So you have to decrease the priority of antisym, which is your implicit in the current scope, you can't put it to the implicit scope (companion object etc.). The only way I found is with shapeless.LowPriority

    implicit def antisym[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< A, lp: LowPriority): (A =:= B) = <:<.antisymm[A, B]
    def test[A, B](implicit ev2: A <:< B, ev3: B <:< A) = implicitly[A =:= B] //  compiles

    Similarly you can define monotonicity

    implicit def liftCo[A, B, F[+_]](implicit ev: A <:< B): F[A] <:< F[B] = ev.liftCo[F]
    def test[A, B, F[+_]](implicit ev: A <:< B) = implicitly[F[A] <:< F[B]] // compiles
    def test1[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B) = implicitly[Cov[A] <:< Cov[B]] // compiles

    But if you put all instances into the scope you'll have compile-time Stackoverflow

    implicit def liftCo[A, B, F[+_]](implicit ev: A <:< B): F[A] <:< F[B] = ev.liftCo[F]
    implicit def trans[A, B, C](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< C): A <:< C = ev.andThen(ev1)
    implicit def antisym[A, B](implicit ev: A <:< B, ev1: B <:< A, lp: LowPriority): (A =:= B) = <:<.antisymm[A, B]
    def test[A, B, F[+_]](implicit ev: A <:< B) = implicitly[F[A] <:< F[B]] // doesn't compile, Stackoverflow

    So I guess you see why those methods are not defined as implicits by default. This would pollute the implicit scope.

    More about the difference <: vs. <:<

    Besides (compile-time) type class <:< there is also (runtime) method <:< from scala-reflect

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
    def checkSubtype[A, B]: Unit = macro checkSubtypeImpl[A, B]
    def checkSubtypeImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Tree = {
      import c.universe._
      println(weakTypeOf[A] <:< weakTypeOf[B])
    type A <: B
    type B 
    checkSubtype[A, B] // scalac: true    // scalacOptions += "-Ymacro-debug-lite"
    type A
    type B 
    checkSubtype[A, B] // scalac: false

    Scala 2.13.10.

    Ensure arguments to generic method have same type in trait method

    What is the implicit resolution chain of `<:<`

    Type parameter under self-type doesn't conform to upper bound despite evidence

    Covariance type parameter with multiple constraints

    How to do type-level addition in Scala 3?