I have the following map:
val m: mutable.Map[String, Long] = mutable.Map()
and I want to just put some value into it if it's not present. If it is present in turn I want to perform some computations:
Currently I do it in the following way:
val key: String = //...
val value: Long = //...
m(key) = m.getOrElse(key, 0L) + value
But this feels a bit verbose to me (In Java we have putIfAbsent
method). Is there a shorter way to do so in Scala?
For mutable maps you can either override the default
method, or add a default computation with withDefault
, so that it automatically computes all the missing values on first access:
val m = new HashMap[String, Int].withDefault(k => 0)
Then you can update the values like this:
m("foo") += 5
m("bar") += 7
m("foo") += 37
println(m) // Map(foo -> 42, bar -> 7)
Or just use getOrElseUpdate
val m = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Long]
val k = "the key"
m(k) = m.getOrElseUpdate(k, 0L) + 1