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Use Jedis `echo` in pipeline

The examples use Scala code, but the issue would be the same with Java.

Way back in version 2 of Jedis, you could use echo in a pipeline:

import redis.clients.jedis._

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val jedis = new Jedis("redis://localhost:6379/0")
    val pipe = jedis.pipelined()
    pipe.echo("Hello, Redis!")
    val response = pipe.syncAndReturnAll()

But echo has been removed from pipelines.

The only replacement seems to be pipe.sendCommand(Protocol.Command.ECHO, "Hello, Redis!"), but this will give you back an array of bytes, not a string.

Is there still an easy way to use echo so that it immediately returns a string and we don't have to do a conversion afterwards?


  • You can try the following:

    pipe.executeCommand(new CommandObject(new CommandArguments(Protocol.Command.ECHO).add("Hello, Redis!"), BuilderFactory.STRING))

    You can also ask to add it back, preferably with the explanation of your use case.