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Is recursive query an option for concatenating text for building a path

Simplifying a bit. I have the following data structure:

| id       | name           | traversal_ids[] |
| -------- | -------------- |-----------------|
| 1        | container1     | {1}             |
| 2        | container2     | {2}             |
| 3        | subcontainer1  | {2, 3}          |
| 4        | container4     | {4}             |
| 5        | subsub         | {2 ,3 ,5}       |

and I'd like to transform this in the following:

| id       | name           | path                             |
|--------  |--------------  |----------------------------------|
| 1        | container1     | /container1                      |
| 2        | container2     | /container2                      |
| 3        | subcontainer1  | /container2/subcontainer1        |
| 4        | container4     | /container4                      |
| 5        | subsub         | /container2/subcontainer1/subsub |   

I'd like as much as possible to give this to the database to execute, but unfortunately I lack the sql skills. If it's not possible I'll try to get this done inside the app.

Can this be achieved in SQL?



  • No need for recursion. We can unnest the array in a lateral join, bring the corresponding names with a join, then aggregate back:

    select t.*, x.*
    from mytable t
    cross join lateral (
        select string_agg(, '/' order by x.ord) path
        from unnest(t. traversal_ids) with ordinality x(id, ord)
        inner join mytable t1 on =
    ) x