I'm trying to find the array which has the specific keywords in merged associative array in SystemVerilog.
For example, I have the 4 arrays:
bit [31:0] arrayA[string];
bit [31:0] arrayB[string];
bit [31:0] arrayC[string];
bit [31:0] arrayD[string];
// Initialize the arrays
arrayA["key1"] = 100;
arrayA["key2"] = 200;
arrayB["door2"] = 300;
arrayB["door3"] = 400;
// Merge the arrays into arrayC
foreach (arrayA[key]) begin
arrayC[key] = arrayA[key];
foreach (arrayB[key]) begin
arrayC[key] = arrayB[key];
I have merged all into arrayC[]
, and I want to find the array elements which have only the "door" string in the array keys.
But, SystemVerilog there is no strtok()
// Separate the merged array by keyword
foreach (arrayC[key]) begin
string keyword;
keyword = strtok(key, "door"); // strtok does not work.
foreach (arrayC(key)) begin
if (arrayC.exists(keyword))
arrayD[key] = arrayC[key];
I want to create a new arrayD[]
from a merged arrayC[]
with similar string keys that contain only the string I want, such as "door".
I want arrayD
to have only these elements:
arrayB["door2"] = 300;
arrayB["door3"] = 400;
because arrayD
was filtered to only have an array with the string "door".
How to find a special keyword in a merged associative array in SystemVerilog without a 3rd party library?
Use substr
to filter the keys for the ones which begin with the string "door". Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 6.16.8 Substr().
module tb;
bit [31:0] arrayA[string];
bit [31:0] arrayB[string];
bit [31:0] arrayC[string];
bit [31:0] arrayD[string];
initial begin
// Initialize the arrays
arrayA["key1"] = 100;
arrayA["key2"] = 200;
arrayB["door2"] = 300;
arrayB["door3"] = 400;
// Merge the arrays into arrayC
foreach (arrayA[key]) begin
arrayC[key] = arrayA[key];
foreach (arrayB[key]) begin
arrayC[key] = arrayB[key];
// Separate the merged array by keyword
foreach (arrayC[key]) begin
if (key.substr(0, 3) == "door") begin
arrayD[key] = arrayC[key];
$display("arrayD %p", arrayD);
arrayD '{"door2":300, "door3":400 }