I am trying to create a query that returns the list of works performed by ewere or Daria in the period from 01.01.2014 to 01.02.2014 or in the period from 01.05.2014 to 01.06.2014 or basically any date period.
The list must contain a description of the work, the name of the worker, the date of the work. The list must be sorted by ascending date of work.
This is what I have tried, as I am new to SQL and trying to understand:
tblWorker.txtWorkerName, tblWorker.intWorkerId
Inner join
tblWorker on tblOperation.intWorkerId = tblWorker.intWorkerId
((('2000-08-20' < tblOperation.datOperationDate) and
('2012-02-20' < tblOperation.datOperationDate)) or
(('2010-01-24' < tblOperation.datOperationDate) and
('2018-01-13' < tblOperation.datOperationDate))) and
(tblOperation.txtOperationDescription = true) and
(tblWorker..txtWorkerName = 'ewere') or
(tblWorker..txtWorkerName = 'Daria')
Order by
Your date range is overlapping and effectively means (if were written correctly) between '2000-08-21' and '2018-01-12'. For description, probably you meant those that are not null, it is not a boolean field and in SQL server booleans are bit (0 or 1):
Select tblOperation.datOperationDate, tblOperation.txtOperationDescription,tblWorker.txtWorkerName ,tblWorker.intWorkerId
From tblOperation
Inner join tblWorker on tblOperation.intWorkerId = tblWorker.intWorkerId
tblOperation.datOperationDate between '20000821' and '20180112' and
tblOperation.txtOperationDescription is not null and
tblWorker.txtWorkerName in ('ewere','Daria')
Order by tblOperation.datOperationDate;