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How to interact with prefab instance independetly to other its instances?

I am new in C# and Unity3D and I'm struggle using events so I need HELP. So I'm making hypercasual game to improve my skills. In the game I want if player hits an item to different things happened. For example: triggering bomb collider will destroy the bomb and play explosive animation, triggering dollar — destroy it, play dollar animation, add score. PROBLEM !!! When Player hits bomb ALL bombs and money destroying and playing animation. I want to affect on every prafab independetly. I DON"T HAVE ANY STATIC FIELDS.


I have classes Bomb and Money that are inherited from abstract class Item. (Bomb and Money differs only with methods, so I include only Bomb).

In Item.cs I get refference to an event script.

public abstract class Item : MonoBehaviour
    protected OnCollisionEvent _onCollisionEventScript;
    private void Awake()
        _onCollisionEventScript = FindObjectOfType<OnCollisionEvent>();
    protected virtual void HandleAnimation() { }
    protected virtual void DestroyOnHitting() { }

In Bomb.cs I subscribe it to an event.

public class Bomb : Item
    private void OnEnable()
        _onCollisionEventScript.InteractOnCollision += HandleAnimation;
        _onCollisionEventScript.InteractOnCollision += DestroyOnHitting;

    private void OnDisable()
        _onCollisionEventScript.InteractOnCollision -= HandleAnimation;
        _onCollisionEventScript.InteractOnCollision -= DestroyOnHitting;

    protected override void HandleAnimation()

    protected override void DestroyOnHitting()

In OnCollisionEvent.cs, which is attached to Player, I invoke the event in "voidOnTriggerEnter()"

public class OnCollisionEvent : MonoBehaviour
    public event UnityAction InteractOnCollision;
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

In SpawManager.cs I spawn random prefab from List of prefabs at fixed position along Xaxis and at random position along Yaxis

public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private List<Item> ItemPrefabs;
    [SerializeField] private float SpawnRepeatRate;
    private readonly List<Item> _items = new();
    private float _time = 0f;
    private void Start()
        foreach (var itemPrefab in ItemPrefabs)
    private void Update()
        _time += Time.deltaTime;
        Item randomItem = _items[Random.Range(0, _items.Count)];
        if (_time >= SpawnRepeatRate)
            Instantiate(randomItem, GetRandomSpawnPosition(), Quaternion.identity);
            _time = 0f;
    private Vector3 GetRandomSpawnPosition()
        int[] CoordinatesOnY = new int[11];
        CoordinatesOnY[0] = 2;
        for (int i = 1; i < CoordinatesOnY.Length; i++)
            CoordinatesOnY[i] = CoordinatesOnY[i - 1] + 2;
        int randomSpawnPositionAlongY = Random.Range(CoordinatesOnY[0], CoordinatesOnY.Length);
        Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(24f, randomSpawnPositionAlongY, 0f);
        return spawnPosition;

Is my mistake on using events and passing references or in implementing SpawnManager and passing references?

I don't have any static fields. Maybe I use event wrong. I thought that in SpawnManager.cs I should create a list/array of references to prefabs, but I don't know how to implement it.


  • So your problem is that all your bombs and money listen to the same single event. That FindObjectOfType<OnCollisionEvent>(); basically almost equals having it static in your case.

    You should rather invert this logic and either let the trigger on the player handle what should happen

    public class OnCollisionEvent : MonoBehaviour
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if(other.TryGetComponent<Item>(out var item))
                // only trigger the callback/method on the specific item you currently collide with
                // I would pass on the reference so you can use GetComponent to access other 
                // components on the player e.g. for damage and money management

    then on your item class you can simply have a

    public abstract class Item : MonoBehaviour
        public void TriggerEvent(OnCollisionEvent player)
        protected virtual void HandleAnimation(OnCollisionEvent  player) {
            // inheritors can use the player reference to access other components and 
            // e.g. inflict damage or increase money etc
        protected virtual void DestroyOnHitting() { }

    The alternative would be to completely invert the logic flow and rather handle the event on the item

    public abstract class Item : MonoBehaviour
        protected void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            // `Player` would be a central component on your player object 
            // that can have further references like e.g. to the damage and money management etc
            if(other.TryGetComponent<Player>(out var player))
        protected virtual void HandleAnimation(Player player) { }
        protected virtual void DestroyOnHitting() { }

    and get rid of the OnCollisionEvent at all.