Hello I am trying to write a script to process pdf files with asyncio concurrent in order to do this I have the following code:
import click
import asyncio
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from functools import wraps
def coro(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return asyncio.run(f(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
async def my_coroutine(path):
return convert_from_path(path, fmt="ppm", poppler_path="")
@click.option("-s", "settings_path", required=False, type=str):
async def dlr(settings_path) -> None:
paths = [...]
responses = await asyncio.gather(*[my_coroutine(path) for path in path])
def cli() -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
When run this is running sequential instead of "parallel", how can I improve this?
Asyncio doesn't run things in parallel; it runs them concurrently. Only a single coroutine is actually running at any time, and other coroutines will only run if the currently running coroutine calls await
to yield control.
Your my_coroutine
task never await
s on anything, so no other task can run until the current one is complete. Since it's only calling a single function, and that function isn't itself a coroutine, it's not clear there's really any way to make effective use of asyncio with your code.
Asyncio only makes sense for io-bound programs (tasks can yield control to other tasks when they are waiting for io). For programs that are primarily CPU-bound, other concurrently tools like the multiprocessing
module may make more sense.