I have the following Verilog file named main.v
module m1(input a, b, output wire c);
assign c = a & b;
module main(input x, y, output wire z);
wire k;
m1 m1_inst(.a(x), .b(y), .c(k));
assign z = x ^ k;
After that, I have a test bench named tb_main.v
which has an instantiation as shown below:
`include "main.v"
reg a, b;
wire b;
main main_dut(a, b, c);
$display("%b", main_dut.m1.a);
$display("%b", main_dut.main.y);
$display("%b", m1.a);
When I simulate that testbench, I get the error unresolved reference to m1
and unresolved reference to main
How do I solve this problem? I do not want to separate modules in the main.v
file into different files.
Any help will be appreciated.
The problem is that you are using some module names instead of module instance names in your hierarchical specifiers.
For example, in main_dut.m1.a
is a module instance namem1
is the name of the module, not the instanceYou must only use module instance names. This is a complete code example that compiles without errors (also on EDA Playground):
module m1 (input a, b, output wire c);
assign c = a & b;
module main (input x, y, output wire z);
wire k;
m1 m1_inst (.a(x), .b(y), .c(k));
assign z = x ^ k;
module tb_main;
reg a, b;
main main_dut (a, b, c);
initial $display("%b", main_dut.m1_inst.a);
initial $display("%b", main_dut.y);