How to get around long names of objects, for example, buttons.btnCancel.inactive
? I've tried plain desctructuring using const {btnCancelInactive: inactive, btnCancelInactiveClass: inactiveClass, btnCancelActiveClass: activeClass} = buttons.btnCancel
but I lose reactivity. I tried destructuring to toRefs but then even the value btnCancelInactive is empty.
Here is the complete code:
const template = `
<div class="input-group input-group-sm">
placeholder="Select a role to add..."
class="btn disabled text-muted"
<i class="fas fa-check"></i></button>
:class="[btnCancelInactive ? btnCancelInactiveClass : btnCancelActiveClass]"
<i class="fas fa-x"></i></button>
sss {{btnCancelInactive}}
const {ref, reactive, watch, toRefs, } = Vue;
const vueAddItemPanel = {
setup(props, ctx) {
const searchText = ref('')
const searchInputRef = ref(null)
const buttons = reactive({
btnCancel : {
inactive : true,
inactiveClass : "btn btn-outline-secondary disabled text-muted",
activeClass : "btn btn-outline-secondary"
const {btnCancelInactive, btnCancelInactiveClass, btnCancelActiveClass
} = toRefs( buttons.btnCancel )
// note: debounce is from lodash
const debouncedSearch = _.debounce(() => {
ctx.emit('searchChanged', searchText.value)
}, 500)
watch( searchText, () => {
buttons.btnCancel.inactive = searchText.value.trim() === ''
const clearSearch = () => {
searchText.value = ''
buttons.btnCancel.inactive = true
return {
searchText, clearSearch, debouncedSearch, searchInputRef,
btnCancelInactive, btnCancelInactiveClass, btnCancelActiveClass,
template: template,
export default vueAddItemPanel
To avoid losing reactivity and to make access easier in the template, use computed properties
// Computed properties for easier access in templates
const isBtnCancelInactive = computed(() => buttons.btnCancel.inactive);
const inactiveClass = computed(() => buttons.btnCancel.inactiveClass);
const activeClass = computed(() => buttons.btnCancel.activeClass);