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oracle query not getting count as 0 with group by and count query , instead getting empty row

This is the query and we dont have data for location# =83 but i want output as cnt=0

            COUNT(1) AS cnt , location# as  record_no
                cny# = 1
            AND location# = 83 group by location#

getting the output as empty row, instead expected out similar to this like

 1    0

With below query i m getting the expected output

            COUNT(1) AS cnt 
                cny# = 1
            AND location# =83 

How can i get same output as shown in expected above with using group by and adding the column in select as in top query i have shown


  • Sample data:

    SQL> select * from test;
     LOCATION#       CNY#
    ---------- ----------
             1          1
             1          1
            83         22

    This, as you know, works:

    SQL> select count(*)
      2  from test
      3  where cny# = 1
      4    and location# = 83;

    You'd want to see that zero along with location# = 83, but - there's none:

    SQL> select location#, count(*)
      2  from test
      3  where cny# = 1
      4    and location# = 83
      5  group by location#;
    no rows selected

    One option is to use self-join; just to check what's going on without filter on location#:

    SQL> select a.location#, count(distinct b.rowid) cnt
      2  from test a left join test b on a.location# = b.location# and a.cny# = 1
      3  --where a.location# = 83
      4  group by a.location#;
     LOCATION#        CNT
    ---------- ----------
            83          0
             1          2

    With filter:

    SQL> select a.location#, count(distinct b.rowid) cnt
      2  from test a left join test b on a.location# = b.location# and a.cny# = 1
      3  where a.location# = 83
      4  group by a.location#;
     LOCATION#        CNT
    ---------- ----------
            83          0