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How to convert IP number to IPV6 using PowerShell?

I have CSV containing IP number's related to IPv6 and I am reading and converting them to IPv6 ip address which is failing at the moment.

I am using below code but getting error:

Cannot convert value "281470698520576" to type "System.Net.IPAddress". Error: "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

function Convert-NumberToIP

    [Int64] $numberInt = 0
    if([Int64]::TryParse($number, [ref]$numberInt))
        if(($numberInt -ge 0) -and ($numberInt -le 0xFFFFFFFFl))
            #([IPAddress] $numberInt).ToString()
            $ipBytes = ([IPAddress]$numberInt).GetAddressBytes()

$startIP = Convert-NumberToIP -number '281470698520576'
$endIP = Convert-NumberToIP -number '281470698520580'


  • To use a 128bit integer in PowerShell you can leverage .NET System.Numerics.BigInteger class. Like this:

    $ipv6Decimal = [System.Numerics.BigInteger]::Parse($number)

    Then you can convert the BigInt to a byte array using ToByteArray(). However the resulting array needs to be "padded" to 16 bytes and reversed (Host vs Network order).

    This works for me:

    function Convert-NumberToIPv6
        $ipv6Decimal  = [System.Numerics.BigInteger]::Parse($number)
        $ipv6Bytes = $ipv6Decimal.ToByteArray()
        # pad to 16 bytes
        [Array]::Resize([ref]$ipv6Bytes, 16)
        # reverse the bytes
        # provide a scope identifier to prevent "cannot find overload error"
        $ipAddress = New-Object Net.IPAddress($ipv6Bytes, 0)

    So the output for: Convert-NumberToIPv6 -number '281470698520576' is ::ffff: