I would like to import the files from DevOps repo to databricks workspace. Problem is that I have the .sh
file. In the past code below was doing its job, which is part of this module azure.databricks.cicd.tools
Add-DatabricksDBFSFile -BearerToken $ADB_Token -Region $region `
-LocalRootFolder $initFolder -FilePattern "pyodbc.sh" -TargetLocation '/init' -Verbose
Now I want to migrate to DatabricksPS
module and I have the below code
$initFolder = $PSScriptRoot + '\InitScripts'
$localFilePath = Join-Path -Path $initFolder -ChildPath 'pyodbc.sh'
Import-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path "/Workspace/Init" -Format "FILE" -LocalPath
$localFilePath -Overwrite $true
Which is not working. Below is the error
Invoke-RestMethod : {"error_code":"RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS","message":"Path (/Workspace/Init) already exists and is a different type."}
Goal is to import the sh
file into workspace path
You are using the target path as workspace directory, so you are facing this error of resource already exists with different type.
Give the target location including the file and it runs successfully.
Import-DatabricksWorkspaceItem -Path "/Workspace/Init/init.sh" -Format "FILE" -LocalPath "init.sh" -Overwrite $true
and in workspace