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Best PowerShell method to get the current Active Directory Site name of the local computer

What are the different ways to get the current Active Directory (AD) site in PowerShell - and which is the fastest, most efficient, and works under the most scenarios?


  • There are a number of methods available:

    1. Using the nltest.exe command line tool - does not generate network traffic, returns the previous AD site even when offline, but because you are shelling out to a command it is slow, and you need to make sure you test $LASTERRORCODE afterwards in case of errors:

    (& "$env:SystemRoot\System32\nltest.exe" /DSGETSITE)[0]

    1. Using .NET - faster, and useful if you need the full site information as well as the name - however please note that any calls using this .NET class generates traffic to your local domain controller:


    1. Using the registry (Netlogon key) - does not generate network traffic, fast, but be aware that sometimes on domain controllers this value does not exist or may be incorrect:

    (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters').DynamicSiteName

    1. Using the registry (Group Policy key) - does not generate network traffic, fast, works even on domain controllers, but only updates after a successful Group Policy refresh (by default takes up to 90 minutes):

    (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine').'Site-Name'

    1. Using WMI to access the Win32_NTDomain class - don't do this - it is super slow, as well as generating network traffic every time you run it:

    (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NTDomain -Filter 'DomainControllerName != NULL' -Property ClientSiteName).ClientSiteName

    1. (My personal favourite) Using the AdSystemInfo COM object - does not generate network traffic, will throw normal PowerShell errors without additional error handling, works on all devices, and fast.

    [__ComObject].InvokeMember('SiteName', 'GetProperty', $null, (New-Object -ComObject ADSystemInfo), $null)

    Options 1-3:

    Option 4:

    Option 5:

    Option 6: