Below is my code. It was supposed to output the addition of B+C when 'Odds' is true, and the subtraction of B-C when 'Evens' is true and 'Odds' is false. And then 0 when neither are true. I am getting ZZZ for the output of my full adder below - although all of the logic should be correct. I have checked multiple times...If you can help identify why my code is working that would be greatly appreciated.
module ECE228_2(
input [7:0] A,
input [3:0] B,
input [3:0] C,
output [4:0] Out
wire Odds, XEvens, Evens;
wire [3:0]Bit4AddOut, Bit4AddCarry, Bit4SubOut, Bit4SubCarry, NotC;
wire [4:0]EvenMuxOut;
//C inversion for 2's Complement Subtraction
not xC0(NotC[0],C[0]);
not xC1(NotC[1],C[1]);
not xC2(NotC[2],C[2]);
not xC3(NotC[3],C[3]);
//Generate The Xor of the Odd Positions to check for odd # of 1's
xor xo0(Odds,A[1],A[3],A[5],A[7]);
//Generate the Xor of the Even Positions and reverse it to check for even # of 1's
xor xo1(XEvens,A[0],A[2],A[4],A[6]);
not evenflip(Evens,XEvens);
//4 Bit Add of B and C in case it is desired output
FullAdd FA0(B[0],C[0],1'b0,Bit4AddOut[0],Bit4AddCarry[0]);
FullAdd FA1(B[1],C[1],Bit4AddCarry[0],Bit4AddOut[1],Bit4AddCarry[1]);
FullAdd FA2(B[2],C[2],Bit4AddCarry[1],Bit4AddOut[2],Bit4AddCarry[2]);
FullAdd FA3(B[3],C[3],Bit4AddCarry[2],Bit4AddOut[3],Bit4AddCarry[3]);
//4 Bit Subtract of B and C in case it is desired output
FullAdd FAS0(B[0],NotC[0],1'b1,Bit4SubOut[0],Bit4SubCarry[0]);
FullAdd FAS1(B[1],NotC[1],Bit4SubCarry[0],Bit4SubOut[1],Bit4SubCarry[1]);
FullAdd FAS2(B[2],NotC[2],Bit4SubCarry[1],Bit4SubOut[2],Bit4SubCarry[2]);
FullAdd FAS3(B[3],NotC[3],Bit4SubCarry[2],Bit4SubOut[3],Bit4SubCarry[3]);
//2:1 Mux with even positions check as sel and (A-B) as true cases and 00000 as false case (5 Bits)
MUX2_1 EvenMux0(Bit4SubOut[0],1'b0,Evens,EvenMuxOut[0]);
MUX2_1 EvenMux1(Bit4SubOut[1],1'b0,Evens,EvenMuxOut[1]);
MUX2_1 EvenMux2(Bit4SubOut[2],1'b0,Evens,EvenMuxOut[2]);
MUX2_1 EvenMux3(Bit4SubOut[3],1'b0,Evens,EvenMuxOut[3]);
MUX2_1 EvenMux4(Bit4SubCarry[3],1'b0,Evens,EvenMuxOut[4]);
//2:1 Mux with odd positions check as sel and (A+B) as true case and even check as false case
MUX2_1 OddMux0(Bit4AddOut[0],EvenMuxOut[0],Odds,Out[0]);
MUX2_1 OddMux1(Bit4AddOut[1],EvenMuxOut[1],Odds,Out[1]);
MUX2_1 OddMux2(Bit4AddOut[2],EvenMuxOut[2],Odds,Out[2]);
MUX2_1 OddMux3(Bit4AddOut[3],EvenMuxOut[3],Odds,Out[3]);
MUX2_1 OddMux4(Bit4AddCarry[3],EvenMuxOut[4],Odds,Out[4]);
//Need a 2:1 MUX Module
module MUX2_1(
input MuxTrue,
input MuxFalse,
input MuxSel,
output MuxOut
wire MuxA1, MuxA2, XMuxSel;
//Selector Not
not XSel(XMuxSel,MuxSel);
//When Sel is 1
and MATrue(MuxA1,MuxTrue,MuxSel);
//When Sel is 0
and MAFalse(MuxA2,MuxFalse,XMuxSel);
//Or of the cases
or MuxOr(MuxOut,MuxA1,MuxA2);
//Need a Full Adder Module
module FullAdd(
input FAin1,
input FAin2,
input FACin,
output FAOut,
output FACout
wire FAWHA1Out,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA2Cout;
//Both calls to Half Adder
HalfAdd FA_HA1(FAin1,FAin2,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA1Out);
HalfAdd FA_HA2(FAWHA1Out,FACin,FAWHA2Cout,FAout);
or FAOr(FACout,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA2Cout);
//Need a Half Adder Module
module HalfAdd(
input HAin1,
input HAin2,
output HACout,
output HAOut
//Gate design of a half adder
//Add but output 0 for carryover condition
xor HAXOR(HAOut,HAin1,HAin2);
//check for carryover condition
and HAAND(HACout,HAin1,HAin2);
Here is the test bench:
module ECE228_2_test;
reg [7:0]A;
reg [3:0]B;
reg [3:0]C;
wire [4:0]Out;
ECE228_2 uut (
B = 4'b0111; //B = 7
C = 4'b0011; //C = 3
//Start counting
A = 8'b00000000;
#10 A = 8'b00000001;
#10 A = 8'b00000010;
#10 A = 8'b00000011;
#10 A = 8'b00000100;
#10 A = 8'b00000101;
#10 A = 8'b00000111;
#10 A = 8'b00001000;
//Too many to count - Lets do some random instead
#10 A = 8'b11011000;
#10 A = 8'b00011110;
#10 A = 8'b10100101;
#10 A = 8'b00110101;
#10 A = 8'b11001010;
#10 A = 8'b11100001;
#10 A = 8'b11111111;
#10 A = 8'b01011010;
#10 A = 8'b01110010;
Here is the output of the objects:
Verilog is a case-sensitive language. This means that the signal named FAout
is different from the one named FAOut
The FullAdd
module output port, FAOut
, is undriven, which means it will have the high-impedance value (z
). You likely meant to connect the output of the FA_HA2
instance to the FAOut
port instead of the signal named FAout
Here is the fixed version of the module:
module FullAdd(
input FAin1,
input FAin2,
input FACin,
output FAOut,
output FACout
wire FAWHA1Out,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA2Cout;
//Both calls to Half Adder
HalfAdd FA_HA1(FAin1,FAin2,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA1Out);
HalfAdd FA_HA2(FAWHA1Out,FACin,FAWHA2Cout,FAOut);
or FAOr(FACout,FAWHA1Cout,FAWHA2Cout);
The full adder no longer has z
By default, Verilog does not require you to declare all signals. You could also change the default behavior and require explicitly declared signals using this compiler directive:
`default_nettype none
This helps you find common coding mistakes like this.
Error-[IND] Identifier not declared
Identifier 'FAout' has not been declared yet. If this error is not expected,
please check if you have set `default_nettype to none.