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Access Maven settings.xml in pom.xml for Spring Boot Maven Plugin

I would like to access the user-specific settings (passwords, usernames etc. for a shared private repository) that are contained within the settings.xml in my pom.

I need these settings for the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, because I want to use the publish feature there (pushing a created docker image to our private docker repository).

Is there a way to achieve this?

Of course I don't want to save any user-specific passwords inside the pom.xml.

The maven documentation states that it is possible to access the settings.xml (e.g. here:, but it does not explain how to to that.

I expecting something like this in my pom:



  • Suppose we have following configuration for spring-boot-maven-plugin

                    <email>[email protected]</email>

    and do not want to store our credentials in pom.xml since it is available to everyone who has access to version control system. Maven way is to define profile in ~/.m2/setting.xml with our credentials and and replace credentials in pom.xml with corresponding placeholders, like:


                <>[email protected]</>



    Now, in order to tell maven to take into account the profile we have created we need to run maven with -P flag specifying id of our profile:

    mvn spring-boot:build-image