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Start a spring batch job when already within a transaction

I have simple Spring-Service that (among other tasks) starts a spring batch job with the following code:

private JobRegistry jobRegistry;

private JobLauncher jobLauncher;

public void startMyJob() {
    Job job = jobRegistry.getJob("myJobName");
    JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder().toJobParameters();, jobParameters);

This works fine, as long as there is no transaction active when the Serivce-Method is called. However, with an active transaction, I get this exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Existing transaction detected in JobRepository. Please fix this and try again (e.g. remove @Transactional annotations from client).

I cannot easily remove the existing transaction, since it is implied due to some framework code that is not within my reach.

So, how can I start the job anyway within this context? The new job just should not use the existing transaction. It could just start its own transaction - but how to configure it to make it work?


  • Use AbstractJobRepositoryFactoryBean.ValidateTransactionState, but use carefully (Warning: Dragons ahead).

    To use another transaction you can inject a custom SimpleJobLauncher.executor with method marked as @Transactional() (or create a custom JobLauncher and do the same trick on method run).

    I haven't tried because I haven't faced the problem, but hope can help.