My application has 3 components,
1) A user facing component that receives requests and stores into the DB 2) A backend component that reads data form the DB, processes it and sends it on to an external system. 3) A DB that stores user input
I am currently testing using H2 in memory database (NOT file based) from eclipse.
I want to test end to end, but the problem is I have stop the user facing component and start the backend component.
So, the DB gets created from scratch each time I start the backend component.
How do I test so that the flow is like this: user enters data -> data persisted into DB -> Baackend connects to the same persisted data -> processes data + passes to external system?
NOTE: I tried using ddl-auto: update, but it doesn't work.
In addition to spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update
, set auto_reconnect as true.