The following code is correct as RESET_VAL
is extended or truncated to WIDTH
parameter RESET_VAL = 5;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] data;
always @(posedge clk or negedge nres) begin
if (!nres) begin
data <= RESET_VAL;
However, a synthesis tool is throwing a warning:
Width of left hand side 'data' [6] doesn't match the width of right hand side [32] in assignment
Can anyone help me with the correct syntax for sizing the parameter
I would like to pass parameters through hierarchy, specifying their (32-bit) value without having to dive into submodules for determining the correct size of the parameters.
The type of a parameter in Verilog/SV is inferred from its value.
The post specifies an unsized number literal which is an integer in Verilog whose default is 32 bits.
Change the number to be 6 bits this way, to form a size 6-bit decimal value of five:
parameter RESET_VAL = 6'd5;
module testbench ();
parameter RESET_VAL = 6'd5;
$display("RESET_VAL = %b",RESET_VAL);
RESET_VAL = 000101
Alternate Answer: If you want to have a 32 bit parameter, and eliminate the warning at the assignment, use one of these:
module testbench ();
parameter RESET_VAL = 5;
parameter WIDTH = 6;
initial begin
$display("RESET_VAL = %b",WIDTH'(RESET_VAL));
$display("RESET_VAL = %b",RESET_VAL[WIDTH - 1:0]);
Referring to the alternate answer: Pass WIDTH in from the top of various modules to resize differently in different modules (answers the part of the question asked as additional question details in the comments).