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Parent-Child Single Table Reference

I can't find any information on tables referencing themselves in a parent-child relationship. Is it bad practice to have this? Should this be split in two tables for the parent-child relationship? There's a lot more columns in the real table. We are working on cleaning up the old records from this table and it can take a long time to delete a parent with numerous children. This table is used for numerous things throughout our application so a long running delete causes the table to be locked and our application hangs. I don't know that splitting this table will provide any sort of benefits but I am not strong in SQL.

|     HistoryItemID   |ParentHistoryItemID|        Data       |
|          15         |        NULL       |  Starting Rule 1  |
|          35         |         15        | Subject Processed |


  • Here is a little working example of using a Recursive CTE to generate a hierarchy via hierarchyID datatype


    Declare @YourTable table (HistoryItemID int, ParentHistoryItemID int, Data varchar(50));
    Insert Into @YourTable values 
    ( 15, NULL, 'Starting Rule 1'),
    ( 35, 15, 'Subject Processed'),
    ( 38, 35, 'Subject 1'),
    ( 42, 35, 'Subject 2'),
    ( 17, NULL, 'Starting Rule 2'),
    ( 55, 17, 'Rule 2 - Subject 1'),
    ( 56, 17, 'Rule 2 - Subject 2')
    Declare @Top   int         = null      --<<  Sets top of Hier Try 35
    ;with cteP as (
          Select HistoryItemID
                ,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat('/',HistoryItemID,'/'))
          From   @YourTable 
          Where  IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(ParentHistoryItemID ,-1) else HistoryItemID end
          Union  All
          Select ID  = r.HistoryItemID
                ,Pt  = r.ParentHistoryItemID 
                ,Data   = r.Data
                ,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat(p.HierID.ToString(),r.HistoryItemID,'/'))
          From   @YourTable r
          Join   cteP p on r.ParentHistoryItemID  = p.HistoryItemID)
    Select Lvl   = HierID.GetLevel()
          ,Data  = replicate('|----',HierID.GetLevel()-1) + Data  -- Nesting Optional ... For Presentation
          ,HierID_String = HierID.ToString()
     From cteP A
     Order By A.HierID


    enter image description here

    If @Top was set to 35

    enter image description here