Search code examples

I want to choose hiredate between '20-FEB-81' AND '01-MAY-81'

I want the names of the employees, job, hiredate between '20-FEB-81' AND '01-MAY-81', and in ascending order

query I ran with error

SQL> select ename, job, hiredate where hiredate between '20-FEB-81' AND '01-MAY-81'   from emp;
select ename, job, hiredate where hiredate between '20-FEB-81' AND '01-MAY-81' from emp
 ERROR at line 1:
 ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected


My table SQL> select empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal from emp;

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB       HIREDATE         SAL
 ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------
  7839 KING       PRESIDENT 17-NOV-81       5000
  7698 BLAKE      MANAGER   01-MAY-81       2850
  7782 CLARK      MANAGER   09-JUN-81       2450
  7566 JONES      MANAGER   02-APR-81       2975
  7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN  28-SEP-81       1250
  7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN  20-FEB-81       1600
  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN  08-SEP-81       1500
  7900 JAMES      CLERK     03-DEC-81        950
  7521 WARD       SALESMAN  22-FEB-81       1250
  7902 FORD       ANALYST   03-DEC-81       3000
  7369 SMITH      CLERK     17-DEC-80        800

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB       HIREDATE         SAL
 ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------
  7788 SCOTT      ANALYST   09-DEC-82       3000
  7876 ADAMS      CLERK     12-JAN-83       1100
  7934 MILLER     CLERK     23-JAN-82       1300

 14 rows selected.



  • The WHERE part goes after the FROM part.

    select ename, job, hiredate 
    from emp
    where hiredate between '20-FEB-81' AND '01-MAY-81'

    Note that your date literals may not always work if the NLS settings change. It is highly recommended to use to_date() instead.

    select ename, job, hiredate 
    from emp
    where hiredate between to_date('20-FEB-81', 'DD-MON-RR') AND to_date('01-MAY-81', 'DD-MON-RR')

    But this is still subject to language settings problems, better not use month names at all:

    select ename, job, hiredate 
    from emp
    where hiredate between to_date('20-02-81', 'DD-MM-RR') AND to_date('01-05-81', 'DD-MM-RR')