I Have a JSON string that is stored in a single cell in the DB corresponding to a parent ID
Now I want to use the above JSON to extract the id from this. Let say we have data like
Parent ID | Profile JSON
1 | {profile_json} (see above string)
I want the output to look like this
Parent ID | ID
1 | abc
1 | efg
Now, I've tried a couple of iterations to solve this
First Approach:
get_json_object(p.profile, '$$.id') as id,
from (
select split(
regexp_extract(profiles, '^\\[(.+)\\]$$',1),
'\\}\\,\\{', '\\}\\|\\|\\{'),
'\\|\\|') as profile_list,
parent_id ,
from source_table) test
lateral view explode(test.profile_list) p as profile
But this is returning the id
column as having NULL values. Is there something I'm missing here.
Second Approach:
with profiles as(
select regexp_replace(
regexp_extract(profiles, '^\\[(.+)\\]$$',1),
'\\}\\,\\{', '\\}\\|\\|\\{') as profile_list,
from source_table
get_json_object (t1.profile_list,'$.id')
FROM profiles t1
The second approach is only returning the first id (abc
) as per the above JSON string.
Solve this. Was using a extract $ in the First Approach
get_json_object(p.profile, '$.id') as id,
from (
select split(
regexp_extract(profiles, '^\\[(.+)\\]$$',1),
'\\}\\,\\{', '\\}\\|\\|\\{'),
'\\|\\|') as profile_list,
parent_id ,
from source_table) test
lateral view explode(test.profile_list) p as profile