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Could not convert the given xpath into WATIR code

//div[text()='#{locator.strip}']/ancestor::table/../../..//a[@class='idit-grid-btn']/i[@class='fa fa-#{var}']

I have written the following watir code for the aforementioned xpath but it's not working.

          .div(text: locator.strip)
          .preceding_sibling(tag_name: 'table')
          .link(class: 'idit-grid-btn')
          .i(class: "fa fa-#{var}")

Where am I going wrong?


  • ancestor::table would be looking for a parent or ancestor element - ie up the HTML DOM. In contrast, #preceding_sibling is looking for a sibling element - ie at the same level in the DOM (with the same parent).

    You need to use #parent instead:

              .div(text: locator.strip)
              .parent(tag_name: 'table')
              .link(class: 'idit-grid-btn')
              .i(class: "fa fa-#{var}")