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Cannot load such file -- ffi_c error in RubyMine

I tried to run a simple script as follows to learn automation using watir-webdriver and Ruby. But I am getting no such class error -ffi_c.

class TestWatir
  require 'watir-webdriver'
  require 'cucumber'
  browser = Watir :: :firefox
  browser.goto ''

I've added Cucumber and Watir-webdriver gems and also checked there is ffi dependency in the external library.


  • I had this problem and resolved it by:

    del Gemfile.lock
    bundle clean --force
    gem install bundler -v 1.12.1
    gem install ffi -v 1.9.10 --platform=ruby
    bundle install

    It seams that some versions of ffi era labeled with the incorrect platform or something like that, that's bringing some problems on windows.

    Hope it helps!