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Cypress, not able to intercept a call

I am trying to intercept following call, that gets executed after click on SAVE operation. Its a POST 201 call. Sample request URL is :

where 1234 and 9876 are dynamic changing parts of url.

But, it is not getting intercepted, and I am getting below error:

Timed out retrying after 2000ms: cy.wait() timed out waiting 2000ms for the 1st request to the route: submissionCall. No request ever occurred

My test code is as follow:

cy.get("button[class='btn save’]”).click();

cy.wait('@submissionCall').then((result) => {

I have tried cy.intercept(‘**/mno/pqr/stu*’).as('callToIntercept’) but this also didnt work. Can someone help me by pointing, what I am doing wrong and what are the other best possible ways of intercepting same? Thanks.


  • In intercept method; you should change the url part like this:


    Also you should edit last part like this:

    cy.wait("@callToIntercept").then(({ response }) => {

    I hope that works!