2) Tests\\Browser\\MedewerkerContactTest::testGeenBericht
Facebook\\WebDriver\\Exception\\InvalidSessionIdException: invalid session id
When executing dusk test file it would crash at an random point in the test and all tests after will also automaticly fail.
At first i thought something was wrong with the pc specs and failed because of the insuficiënt ram so i put on many places a wait function.
This didnt have any effect.
when it works the most likely failure after is that it cant login i watch the failure png and it seems there it forgot to delete coockies so there may be the error also the login is a custom function as you can see down below
public function login(Browser $browser, string $role = 'klant_beheerder'): Browser
$browser->visit($this->url . '/')
->type('#email', config('dusk.' . $role . '.login'))
->type('#password', config('dusk.' . $role . '.password'))
return $browser;
the wierd part is that other tests do work like this one here below in another file
public function testProfiel(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->visit($this->url . '/home')
->assertSee('Profiel van e2ebeheerder')
i have tried many things to fix this problem most of them were about flsuhing the session and deleting coockies between tests
i solved all invalid id by using --disable-dev-shm-usage
at chromeOptions
in Chrome, I did not have enough resources allocated to my Docker Container. Adding the "--disable-dev-shm-usage" flag to Chrome fixed the issue. Since its using local /tmp instead of it's /dev/shm it has plenty of room.