What's the best way to correctly mock the following example?
The problem is that after import time, foo
keeps the reference to the original unmocked bar
export function bar () {
return 'bar';
export function foo () {
return `I am foo. bar is ${bar()}`;
import * as module from '../src/module';
describe('module', () => {
let barSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
barSpy = jest.spyOn(
afterEach(() => {
it('foo', () => {
console.log(jest.isMockFunction(module.bar)); // outputs true
module.bar.mockReturnValue('fake bar');
console.log(module.bar()); // outputs 'fake bar';
expect(module.foo()).toEqual('I am foo. bar is fake bar');
* does not work! we get the following:
* Expected value to equal:
* "I am foo. bar is fake bar"
* Received:
* "I am foo. bar is bar"
I could change:
export function foo () {
return `I am foo. bar is ${bar()}`;
export function foo () {
return `I am foo. bar is ${exports.bar()}`;
but this is pretty ugly in my opinion to do everywhere.
fwiw, the solution I settled on was to use dependency injection, by setting a default argument.
So I would change
export function bar () {
return 'bar';
export function foo () {
return `I am foo. bar is ${bar()}`;
export function bar () {
return 'bar';
export function foo (_bar = bar) {
return `I am foo. bar is ${_bar()}`;
This is not a breaking change to the API of my component, and I can easily override bar in my test by doing the following
import { foo, bar } from '../src/module';
describe('module', () => {
it('foo', () => {
const dummyBar = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('fake bar');
expect(foo(dummyBar)).toEqual('I am foo. bar is fake bar');
This has the benefit of leading to slightly nicer test code too :)