I am trying to set values but need to use a field, rather than inputting hundreds of values.
Current code:
DECLARE @variable AS VARCHAR (100)
SET @variable = 'Y'
I need to be able to use a field as the value:
SET @variable = tbl.field
I have also tried
DECLARE @variable AS table (val varchar (100))
insert into @variable (val)
distinct field
select * from @variable
WHERE field = @variable
However this code simply runs both at the same time, creating two outputs, so I am missing a link here
I need to be able to run the code so that all available values are set as each option needs to be tested at once.
You declared a scalar variable. It holds only one value, and cannot hold more than one value.
In this approach, you can store multiple values.
DECLARE @variable AS TABLE(val VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO @variable(val) VALUES
SELECT * FROM @variable