I have some OCaml code:
let (&>) : ('x -> 'y) -> ('y -> 'z) -> ('x -> 'z) =
fun g f x -> x |> g |> f
let soi x = string_of_int x
let sof x = string_of_float x
let fos x = float_of_string x
let ios x = int_of_string x
let clear_int = ios &> soi
let is_int_clear (x: string) =
let targ = clear_int x in
let _ = print_endline x in
let _ = print_endline targ in
x == targ
let ccc = is_int_clear "123"
let scc = if ccc then "succ" else "fail"
let () = print_endline scc
I think "123"
should be equal to "123"
but output this:
was not equal "123"
Why and how to fix it?
The fault in your logic lies in using ==
which tests for physical equality. This is checking that the two strings reside at the same location in memory.
You wanted to use =
which tests for structural equality: whether the two values contain the same information.
The change is very simple.
let is_int_clear (x: string) =
let targ = clear_int x in
let _ = print_endline x in
let _ = print_endline targ in
x = targ