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How to detect Esc key using Unix module and raw mode?

This is the code in OCaml to detect keys using the Unix module and raw mode in the linux terminal.

The only key I can't detect is ESC. There could be others, but my main goal is to detect ESC key.

Here is the code of the function:

    (* Function to read a character and recognize special keys *)
    let read_character () =
      let in_chan = in_channel_of_descr stdin in
      let c = input_char in_chan in
      if c = '\027' then
        let next1 = input_char in_chan in
        let next2 = input_char in_chan in
        match (next1, next2) with
        | ('[', 'A') -> "Up Arrow"
        | ('[', 'B') -> "Down Arrow"
        | ('[', 'C') -> "Right Arrow"
        | ('[', 'D') -> "Left Arrow"
        | ('[', 'H') -> "Home"
        | ('[', 'F') -> "End"
        | ('[', '3') when input_char in_chan = '~' -> "Delete"
        | ('[', '2') when input_char in_chan = '~' -> "Insert"
        | ('[', '5') when input_char in_chan = '~' -> "Page Up"
        | ('[', '6') when input_char in_chan = '~' -> "Page Down"
        | _ -> "Ignore"
        match c with
        | '\n' -> "Enter"        (* Handle Enter key *)
        | '\127' -> "Backspace"  (* Handle Backspace (DEL) *)
        | _ -> String.make 1 c   (* Return single character *)

Please, take into account that C/curses works, but it is very slow to initialize/finish and it clears the screen, so it is not an optimal option.

It is kind of a challenge. AI suggested me using Lwt/Async, but none of that worked, since I didn't have success installing that in Arch Linux.


  • Fortunately there is a non-canonical mode with timeout which allows this. The complete source code is this:

    open Unix
    (* Function to set the terminal to raw mode with no echo and a short timeout *)
    let set_raw_mode () =
      let term = tcgetattr stdin in
      let raw_term = { term with c_icanon = false; c_echo = false } in
      raw_term.c_vmin <- 1;
      raw_term.c_vtime <- 1;  (* Timeout of 0.1 seconds *)
      tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW raw_term
    (* Function to restore the original terminal settings *)
    let restore_terminal old_term =
      tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW old_term
    (* Function to read keys and recognize special keys *)
    let read_keys () =
      let buffer = Bytes.create 6 in
      let len = Unix.stdin buffer 0 6 in
      let raw_input = Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 len in
      match raw_input with
      | "\027[A" -> "Up Arrow"
      | "\027[B" -> "Down Arrow"
      | "\027[C" -> "Right Arrow"
      | "\027[D" -> "Left Arrow"
      | "\027[H" -> "Home"
      | "\027[F" -> "End"
      | "\027[3~" -> "Delete"
      | "\027[2~" -> "Insert"
      | "\027[5~" -> "Page Up"
      | "\027[6~" -> "Page Down"
      | "\027" -> "Esc"
      | _ ->
        if len = 1 && Bytes.get buffer 0 = '\n' then "Enter"
        else if len = 1 && Bytes.get buffer 0 = '\127' then "Backspace"
        else raw_input
    let () =
      let old_term = tcgetattr stdin in
        set_raw_mode ();
        let rec loop () =
          let key = read_keys () in
          print_endline ("Key pressed: " ^ key);
          if key <> "Esc" then loop ()
        loop ();
        restore_terminal old_term
      with e ->
        restore_terminal old_term;
        raise e