module circuit(input a1, b1, d1, d2, output OUT);
wire a, b, c, d, e, f;
NOT A(a, a1);
NOT B(b, b1);
NOT C(c, a);
NAND D(d, d1, d2);
NAND E(e, b, c);
NAND F(f, d, e);
NOT G(OUT, f);
Is there any method that is able to convert the above code to tree(in the attached the image shows the tree I want to convert to)?
I don't know if there's efficient way to construct the tree, and I have searched on the net, but didn't find relative ideas.
The Verilog syntax looks similar to C++ so you could try to shoehorn it into proper C++ although I doubt it would be a good idea :-D :
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
enum class Op {
struct wire {
std::vector<wire*> inputs;
Op op;
bool constantValue = false;
bool evaluate() {
if (inputs.empty()) {
return constantValue;
} else if (op == Op::NOT) {
return !inputs[0]->evaluate();
} else if (op == Op::NAND) {
return !(inputs[0]->evaluate() && inputs[1]->evaluate());
} else {
return false;
class NOT {
NOT(wire& dst, wire& src) {
dst.op = Op::NOT;
class NAND {
NAND(wire& dst, wire& a, wire& b) {
dst.op = Op::NAND;
#define module
#define endmodule
#define output
#define input
#define circuit(...) wire __VA_ARGS__
and then just insert the code in a C++ function.
int main()
module circuit(input a1, b1, d1, d2, output OUT);
wire a, b, c, d, e, f;
NOT A(a, a1);
NOT B(b, b1);
NOT C(c, a);
NAND D(d, d1, d2);
NAND E(e, b, c);
NAND F(f, d, e);
NOT G(OUT, f);
std::cout << "The result of OUT = " << OUT.evaluate() << std::endl;
return 0;
Instances of the wire
class will point at other wire
instances from the inputs
member variable, thereby forming a "tree". Is that what you ask for?