I need to check the sequence of calling of some methods of a class.
I had this need while I was developing using TDD (test driven development), so when I was writing the test for method_1()
I would like to be sure that it calls some methods in an precise order.
I suppose that my production class A
is stored in the following file class_a.py:
class A:
__lock = None
def __init__(self, lock):
self.__lock = lock
def method_1(self):
def __atomic_method_1(self):
The __lock
attribute is an instance of class threading.Lock
and is use to reach a thread safe execution of __atomic_method_1()
I need to write a unit test that checks the sequence of calling of the methods of the class A
when it is invoked the method_1()
The check must verify that method_1()
My need comes from wanting to make sure that the __atomic_method_1()
method runs in a multithreaded context without being interrupted.
This is a very useful link, but it doesn't solve my problem. The solution provided by the link is perfect to verify the calling order of a sequence of functions invoked by an other function. The link shows an example where the function under test and the functions called are all contained in a file called module_under_test
In my case, however, I have to verify the calling sequence of methods of a class and this difference prevents to use the solution provided by the link.
However I have tried to develop the unit test referring to the link and in this way I have prepared a trace of the test file that I can show below:
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from class_a import A
import threading
class TestCallOrder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_call_order(self):
# create an instance of the SUT (note the parameter threading.Lock())
sut = A(threading.Lock())
# prepare the MOCK object
source_mock = ...
with patch(...)
# prepare the expected values
expected = [...]
# run the code-under-test (method_1()).
# Check the order calling
self.assertEqual(expected, source_mock.mock_calls)
if __name__ == '__main__':
But I'm not able to complete the method test_call_order()
In the question's comments they said that it is not what unit tests are for. Yes, that makes for a brittle tests. But they serve a real use : do I correctly implement locking. You may want to refactor your class so that it is easier to test (and that would be another interesting question).
But if you really want to test it, as is, I have a solution for you.
What we need is to spy on the three methods self.__lock.acquire
, self.__lock.release
and self.__atomic_method_1
. One way to do it is to wrap a Mock around them, and record the behavior. But just knowing they were called is not sufficient, you want the order between them. So you need multiple spies, which collectively log the actions that took place.
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from class_a import A
import threading
class TestCallOrder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_call_order(self):
sut = A(threading.Lock())
# bypass the "name mangling" due to leading "__"
sut_lock = sut._A__lock
sut_method = sut._A__atomic_method_1
# store what we observed during the test
observed = []
# prepare the side effects : they are simply observing the call, then forwarding it to the actual function
def lock_acquire_side_effect():
observed.append("lock acquired")
def lock_release_side_effect():
observed.append("lock released")
def method_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
observed.append("method called")
sut_method(*args, **kwargs)
# prepare the spies, one on the lock, one on the method
# (we could also mock the two Lock methods separately)
lock_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=sut_lock, **{"acquire.side_effect": lock_acquire_side_effect,
"release.side_effect": lock_release_side_effect})
method_spy = mock.Mock(wraps=sut_method, **{"side_effect": method_side_effect})
# they are wrapping the actual object, so method calls and attribute access are forwarded to it
# but we also configure them, for certain calls, to use a special side effect (our spy functions)
with mock.patch.object(sut, "_A__lock", lock_spy):
with mock.patch.object(sut, "_A__atomic_method_1", method_spy):
# we apply both spies (with Python 3.10 you can do it with only one `with`)
self.assertEqual(["lock acquired", "method called", "lock released"], observed)
# and we check against a very nice ordered log of observations
if __name__ == '__main__':
To explain better what I did, here is a schema of how things are connected without mocks :
Your SUT has two references :
which points to its Lock
instance, which itself has (for our concerns) 2 references : acquire
and release
which points to its A.__atomic_method_1
methodWhat we want is to observe the calls made to __lock.acquire
, __lock.release
, __atomic_method_1
and their relative order.
The simpler way to do that I could think of is to replace each of these three by "spy functions", which records they were being called (simply by appending in a list) then forward the call to the actual function.
But then we need these functions to be called, so we will have to mock things. Because they are not "importable", we can't mock.patch
them. But we have the actual object we want to mock things of, and that is exactly what mock.patch.object
is for ! While in the with
, the sut.something
will get replaced by a mock. So we need two mocks, one for the __atomic_method_1
, the other for __lock
As far as I can tell, we won't use __atomic_method_1
in any other way than calling it. So we just want our mock to call our spy method instead. To do that, we can configure
it to call a function when it gets called, indicated by "side_effect"
But there are many other ways we can use our __lock
besides acquire
-ing and release
-ing it. We don't know what the __aotmic_method_1
will do with it. So to be sure, we will set the mock to forward everything to the actual object, which means it wraps
Which gives us this :
The calls to __lock.acquire
and __lock.release
are sort of diverted (thanks to mocking) through our spy, while any other still gets through ordinarily.
(We could have done without creating a Mock for __aotmic_method_1
, and mock.patch.object
with the spy function)