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How to calculate the accuracy of shot in percentage

I am making a game in Unity (C#), where you need to shoot a target. Once you make a shot - the accuracy of your shot is to be shown.
The idea of my game is to be as precise as possible, so I cannot just make zones on the target for 100% accuracy, 90%, 80%, etc.

My idea for the calculations is the following:
PercentageErrorForXCoordinate = ((YourShotX – CenterOfTargetX)/ CenterOfTargetX) x 100;
PercentageErrorForYCoordinate = ((YourShotY – CenterOfTargetY)/ CenterOfTargetY) x 100;

TotalPercentageError = (PercentageErrorForXCoordinate+ PercentageErrorForYCoordinate)/2;

=> eventually I have 2 big problems:

  • when spawned coordinates are (0,0) - as I won't be able to divide later;
  • if the shot is far away from the target the result is too big.

    Do you have any ideas on how to calculate correctly in this case? The code is below:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using TMPro;
    using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
        public GameObject spawnManager;
        //public GameObject shot;
        public List<GameObject> Prefabs;
        //public Vector3 miwen; 
        public bool GameIsActive;
        private float minValueX = -2.5f; //  x value of the center of the left-most square
        private float minValueY = -9f; //  y value of the center of the bottom-most square
        private float targetPosX;
        private float targetPosY;
        private float pointerPosX;
        private float pointerPosY;
        private float pointerCorPosX;
        private float pointerCorPosY;
        private float pointerDisplayPosX;
        private float pointerDisplayPosY;
        private float AccuracyX;
        private float AccuracyY;
        private float TotalAccuracy;
        public TextMeshProUGUI centerCalculator;
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            GameIsActive = true;
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
        void  SpawnerActivator()
            int index = Random.Range(0, Prefabs.Count);
            Instantiate(Prefabs[index], RandomSpawnPosition(), Prefabs[index].transform.rotation);
        // Generate a random spawn position based on a random index from 0 to 3
        Vector3 RandomSpawnPosition()
            float spawnPosX = minValueX + RandomPosX();
            float spawnPosY = minValueY + RandomPosY();
            Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(spawnPosX, spawnPosY, 0);
            return spawnPosition;
        // Generates random square index from 0 to 3, which determines which square the target will appear in
        float RandomPosX()
            return Random.Range(-1, 7);
        // Generates random square index from 0 to 3, which determines which square the target will appear in
        float RandomPosY()
            return Random.Range(0, 19);
       void SpawnerPrecisionCalculator()
            targetPosX = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Miwen").transform.position.x;
            targetPosY = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Miwen").transform.position.y;
            //Debug.Log(targetPosX + " " + targetPosY);
        public void CalculatePosition()
            pointerPosX = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Pointer").transform.position.x;
            pointerPosY = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Pointer").transform.position.y;
            //Debug.Log("Pointer:" + " " + pointerPosX + " " + pointerPosY + " " + "target" + " " + targetPosX + " " + targetPosY);
        public void CorPosCalculator()
            //pointerCorPosX = Mathf.Round(targetPosX - pointerPosX);
            //pointerCorPosY = Mathf.Round(targetPosY - pointerPosY);
            pointerCorPosX = targetPosX - pointerPosX;
            pointerCorPosY = targetPosY - pointerPosY;
            pointerDisplayPosX = (Mathf.Round((targetPosX - pointerPosX) * 1000)) / 1000;
            pointerDisplayPosY = (Mathf.Round((targetPosY - pointerPosY) * 1000)) / 1000;
            AccuracyX = ((Mathf.Abs(pointerPosX) - Mathf.Abs(targetPosX)) / Mathf.Abs(targetPosX)) * 100;
            AccuracyY = ((Mathf.Abs(pointerPosY) - Mathf.Abs(targetPosY)) / Mathf.Abs(targetPosY)) * 100;
            TotalAccuracy = (AccuracyX + AccuracyY) / 2;
            Debug.Log($"Pointer: {pointerPosX} {pointerPosY}\nTargett: {targetPosX} {targetPosY}\nTotalAccuracy: {TotalAccuracy}");
            centerCalculator.text = "Diff X:" + pointerDisplayPosX + "      " + "Diff Y:" + pointerDisplayPosY;

  • Solution

  • Typically you would use an exponential function to calculate a fixed range score with a potentially infinite numeric input.

    In your case the following function could be used:

    y = 100*10^(-x*strictness)

    For any positive x value (zero included) you will receive a value for y that is between 0 and 100. Exactly zero for x will net you 100 and infinity will give you 0. You can adjust how generous the awarded points are by modifying the strictness constant.

    public Vector2 YourShot;
    public Vector2 CenterOfTarget;
    public float strictness;//You will likely need a value above 1
    float distance = Vecor2.Distance(YourShot,CenterOfTarget);
    float score = 100*Mathf.Pow(10,-distance*strictness);