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How to show data from table that is mapped with another table in Many To One relationship full stack using Spring boot (backend) and Thymeleaf (front)

This is full-stack project based on Spring Boot (backend) and Thymeleaf (frontend). I have this page (table) on my website which shows all hotels in my Hotel Management System App:

enter image description here

When I click on Details it shows new page for particular hotel:

enter image description here

When I click on View Rooms it should show the list of the rooms available for that particular Hotel. I wonder how can I do that? So far, I was only available to list all the rooms (not related to particular hotel) but I want to list the rooms for the particular hotel only.

class Room is mapped with class Hotel by @ManyToOne relationship, which means that several rooms can be listed in one hotel (I will show souce code bellow). When I want to create new room, there is an option to choose to which hotel that particular room belongs:

enter image description here

Here is the code of classes Room and Hotel :

        name = "room"
public class Room {

            name = "room_sequence",
            sequenceName = "room_sequence",
            allocationSize = 1
            strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
            generator = "room_sequence"
    private Long roomId;
            name = "name",
            nullable = false
    private String name;
            name = "price"
    private Integer price;

            name = "hotel_id",
            referencedColumnName = "hotelId"
    private Hotel hotel;
        name = "hotel"
public class Hotel {

            name = "hotel_sequence",
            sequenceName = "hotel_sequence",
            allocationSize = 1
            strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
            generator = "hotel_sequence"
    private Long hotelId;
            name = "name",
            nullable = false
    private String name;
            name = "star",
            nullable = false
    private Integer star;
            name = "location",
            nullable = false
    private String location;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "hotel")
    private Set<Room> rooms;

And here is the whole RoomController with methods to: create new room, update existing room, delete room, show "create new room" form, show "update existing room" form etc.:

public class RoomController {

    private final RoomServiceImpl roomService;
    private final HotelServiceImpl hotelService;

    public RoomController(RoomServiceImpl roomService, HotelServiceImpl hotelService) {
        this.roomService = roomService;
        this.hotelService = hotelService;

    public String listRooms(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("rooms", roomService.getAllRooms());
        return "rooms";

    public String addRoomForm(Model model) {
        Room room = new Room();
        List<Hotel> listHotels = hotelService.getAllHotels();

        model.addAttribute("room", room);
        model.addAttribute("listHotels", listHotels);
        return "room_create";

    public String addNewRoom(@ModelAttribute("room") Room room) {
        return "redirect:/hms/rooms";

    public String updateRoomForm(@PathVariable Long roomId, Model model) {
        List<Hotel> listHotels = hotelService.getAllHotels();

        model.addAttribute("room", roomService.findRoomById(roomId));
        model.addAttribute("listHotels", listHotels);
        return "room_edit";

    public String updateRoom(@PathVariable Long roomId, @ModelAttribute("room") Room room) {
        // get room from database by id
        Room existingRoom = roomService.findRoomById(roomId);

        // save updated room object
        return "redirect:/hms/rooms";

    // handler method to handle delete room request
    public String deleteRoom(@PathVariable Long roomId) {
        return "redirect:/hms/rooms";

    public String viewRoom(@PathVariable Long roomId, Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("room", roomService.findRoomById(roomId));
        return "room_view";

Also, here is the thymeleaf logic code which is used to get list of hotels on "create new room form":

<div class="form-group">
    <label> Hotel </label>
    <select th:field="*{hotel}" class="form-control" required>
        <th:block th:each="hotel : ${listHotels}">
            <option th:text="${}" th:value="${hotel.hotelId}"/>


  • You could easily achieve at your repository level as well as in your thymleaf too, please have a look at code below

    <span th:each="room : ${hotel.getRooms()}">

    I hope it helps!