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Spring @ExceptionHandler handling multiple kinds of exceptions

I can't figure out how to handle more than one kind of exception by @ExceptionHandler.

I need to programmatically deal with these exceptions, for this I'd need a shared reference. Is this done via this reference "Exception ex" ? I don't think so, cause the exception is not caught like this, how would I do it then ?

I can't put all the exception references as arguments to the handler method, it wouldn't make sense, it can't be programmatically dealt with. I need a shared reference so that I could use "instanceof" on it or just send it somewhere else as a general "Exception"

@ExceptionHandler({DescriptionCstOrderException.class, SpecializationCstOrderException.class, NoUploadFileException.class,
                    DeadLineCstOrderException.class, DocumentCstOrderException.class, CommentCstOrderException.class})
public String handleFormException(Exception ex, ActionRequest actionRequest) {
    SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, ex.getClass().getName());  
    return "mainOrderForm";

Additional question: what if I wanted to handle org.springframework.web.multipart.MaxUploadSizeExceededException, that is not thrown from any method of the handler? Because @ExceptionHandler catches only exceptions that are thrown from one of the handler methods.

The exceptionHandler method could be placed into some extended parent controller but if one uses only defaultAnnotationHandlerMapping... ?

Appreciate any help, I'm going crazy, this is very frustrating....


  • The @ExceptionHandler value can be set to an array of Exception types. If an exception is thrown matches one of the types in the list, then the method annotated with the matching @ExceptionHandler will be invoked. If the annotation value is not set then the exception types listed as method arguments are used. See the documentation for details.