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Inject Mocks for objects created by Factory classes

I have the following class:

public class MyClass {        
    private Apple apple;

    public void myMethod() {
       apple = AppleFactory.createInstance(someStringVariable);

And the Test class:

public class MyClassTest {

        MyClass myClass;

        public void myMethod(){

How could I inject an Apple instance as a mock in MyClass?


  • You have 3 possibilities to solve this:

    Abstract factory: Instead of using a static method, use a concrete factory class:

    public abstract class AppleFactory {
        public Apple createInstance(final String str);
    public class AppleFactoryImpl implements AppleFactory {
        public Apple createInstance(final String str) { // Implementation }

    In your test class, mock the factory:

    public class MyClassTest {
        private AppleFactory appleFactoryMock;
        private Apple appleMock;
        MyClass myClass;
        public void setup() {
        public void myMethod(){

    PowerMock: Use PowerMock to create a mock of a static method. Look at my answer to a relevant question to see how it's done.

    Testable class: Make the Apple creation wrapped in a protected method and create a test class that overrides it:

    public class MyClass {
       private Apple apple;
       public void myMethod() {
           apple = createApple();
       protected Apple createApple() {
           return AppleFactory.createInstance(someStringVariable);
    public class MyClassTest {
        private Apple appleMock;
        MyClass myClass;
        public void myMethod(){
        private class TestableMyClass extends MyClass {
           public void createApple() {
              return appleMock;

    Of course, in your test class you should test TestableMyClass and not MyClass.

    I'll tell you my opinion on each of the methods:

    1. The abstract factory method is the best one - This is a clear design that hides the implementation details

    2. The testable class - Is the second option which requires minimum changes

    3. The PowerMock option is my least favorite - Instead of going for a better design, you ignore and hide your problem. But that's still a valid option.