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How to enable NGSIv2 in iotagent-ul helmchart?

I received {"name":"BAD_REQUEST","message":"Request error connecting to the Context Broker: 501"} error when when I send a POST to iotagent-ul deployed via iotagent-ul helm chart.

time=2022-10-08T09:03:18.182Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=d7ed414d-a132-45ea-b4a3-38ee14a828dc | trans=d7ed414d-a132-45ea-b4a3-38ee14a828dc | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Request | from=n/a | srv=openiot | subsrv=/ | msg=Response {
    "error": "NotImplemented",
    "description": "Only NGSIv1-based forwarding supported at the present moment. Set explictely legacyForwarding to true"

Following the iotagent-ul documentation to enable NGSIv2, it must be set ngsiVersion in contextBroker:

    host: '',
    port: '1026',
    ngsiVersion: 'v2'

Since I am using the official fiware helm-chart, I have updated the configmap.yaml to include the ngsiVersion

    contextBroker: {
     * Host where the Context Broker is located.
    host: '{{ }}',

     * Port where the Context Broker is listening.
    port: '{{ .Values.iota.contextBroker.port }}',

     * ngsiVersion supported by the Context Broker.
    ngsiVersion: '{{ .Values.iota.contextBroker.ngsiVersion }}'

Now, I get this error:

time=2022-10-08T18:17:24.614Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=841d2b61-463e-42ff-acd7-d0f4b867b7b3 | trans=841d2b61-463e-42ff-acd7-d0f4b867b7b3 | op=IoTAgentNGSI.DeviceService | srv=openiot | subsrv=/ | msg=Registration error connecting to the Context Broker: {"code":"400","reasonPhrase":"Bad Request","details":"missing isDomain value for registration attribute"} | comp=IoTAgent


  • According to comments on the question, you are using Orion-LD instead of official Orion. The Orion-LD support to NGSIv2 is limited, so I'd suggest to change your context broker to official Orion newest version (3.7.0 at the moment of writing this).