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Orion APIs authorization through Keycloak

After testing authentication in Orion with keycloak (Orion APIs authentication through Keycloak) with kong-pep-plugin, I'm interested in the authorization too; in particular, I want to give specific permissions (on path and verb) to users/groups like I used to do with AuthZForce.

Could you help me?

Thank you


  • sorry that I only see your request right now. This is very much tied to configuring Keycloak, but it is possible, yes. The kong-pep-plugin delegates all decisions to Keycloak's Authorization Serivces and just takes its decision. Thus, you should read the documentation on that: An example (declarative)configuration for allowing different groups to access different paths can be found in the integration-tests: Another, better readable, example is our demo environment: This combination of resources and policies allows the group "consumer" to access the path "/keycloak/ngsi-ld/v1/", while the group "admin" can also access "/keycloak/". The authorization services allow for much more fine-grained and powerful configurations, so I really recommend the official documentation on it. Best

    As an addition for the GET/POST question:

    Thats something you can implement with the javascript policies feature from Keycloak(…). The kong-plugin forwards the http method as "http.method" claim(see…) An example policy could granting access only for GET requests could look like:

    var context = $evaluation.getContext();
    var attributes = context.getAttributes();
    var method = attributes.getValue('http.method').asString(0); 
    if (method === 'GET')

    Combining a resource policy with such a js-policy would give you the access-control you want.