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Get all Fiware-ServicePath for a specific Fiware-Service

I need to know all the available Fiware-ServicePath for a specific Fiware-Service.

For example: I have the following:

Fiware-Service: MyCompany

Fiware-ServicePath: /app1

Fiware-ServicePath: /app2

Fiware-ServicePath: /app3

What I want is a service that retrieves something like these:

    - {
        Service: "/app1"
    - {
        Service: "/app2"
    - {
        Service: "/app3"



  • Orion Context Broker API doesn't allow to get a list of service paths (at least in the current version, i.e. Orion 1.7.0). As a workaround, you can get the list if you have access to the DB, for example running this query:

    > db.entities.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "$_id.servicePath"}}])

    A possibility would be to wrap the above query with a REST service (using ligthweight frameworks such as Flask in Python) and offer the information in a format as the one you suggest. It shouldn't be too difficult.