I have a jsonb column such that:
| id | fee |
| 1 | "[{"Step": "step1", "Value": "10"}]" |
| 2 | "[{"Step": "step1", "Value": "999"}]" |
| 3 | [] |
And I want to calculate the Value filed and add new property in the same fee
column such that:
ROUND((Value / 1.07),2)
I tried this below code but its not working.
update plans
set excess_fees = jsonb_set(plans.excess_fees, '{0, ValueExclGst}',
(select cast(round(cast(VALUE as decimal), 2) as text)
from jsonb_array_elements(plans.excess_fees->'Value') as VALUE));
The output looks like this:
| id | fee |
| 1 | "[{"Step": "step1", "Value": "10", "ValueExclGst":"9.35"}]" |
| 2 | "[{"Step": "step1", "Value": "999", "ValueExclGst": "933.64"}]" |
| 3 | [] |
How shall I do in Postgres since I am new to Jsonb?
Thank you for your time and answers.
and jsonb_set
would come handy for this. A working query:
WITH fee_json AS
SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(fee) as json_data FROM plans
updated_rows AS (
jsonb_set(json_data, '{ValueExclGst}', CAST(round(CAST(json_data->>'Value' AS NUMERIC)/1.07, 2) as text)::jsonb)
) as updated_json
UPDATE plans SET fee = u.updated_json
FROM updated_rows u
WHERE plans.id = u.id;
The query works in these phases:
Create a fee_json
auxiliary statement using CTE by deflating the fee
array column. Now fee_json
has a column json_data
with all the deflated jsonb objects along with the corresponding id
Create another updated_rows
auxiliary statement using the values from fee_json
. In this statement, we're inserting a new value ValueExclGst
in the jsonb using the value from Value
field in jsonb. We array aggregate all such jsonb objects by id
using jsonb_agg
We update the value from udpated_rows
using the id
field in our plans
A working db-fiddle for better understanding.