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properties, such as StartupForm, ChangeAppIconFrmR... erroring with "Property Not Found"

i have the code below, it sets a bunch of properties based on various tables startup form, toolbars, shift bypass, etc

it worked fine for months, now, all of a sudden, all my dbs are opening with errors (so, corruption can't be the cause) what's weird is that it works fine on a different computer what can be wrong with the one that errors? i restarted

it errors at s = CurrentDb.Properties(sPropName).Name

here's all 3 functions

Sub sbSetStartupOptions()
    Dim bOn             As Boolean
    SetOption "Auto Compact", True
    SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
    SetOption "Show System Objects", False
    SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", True
    SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", True
    SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", True
    SetOption "Default Open Mode for Databases", 0 'shared
    SetOption "ShowWindowsInTaskbar", False
    Dim vrAppName As String
    Dim vrStartupForm As String
    vrStartupForm = DLookup("StartupForm", "zAppSettings", "AppSettingsID=1")
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "StartupForm", 1, vrStartupForm
    vrAppName = DLookup("AppName", "zAppSettings", "AppSettingsID=1")
    fnChangeAppNameCurrentDB (vrAppName)
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "StartupShowStatusBar", 1, True '1=dbBoolean
    bOn = fnIsDev
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowShortcutMenus", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "StartupShowDBWindow", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowToolbarChanges", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowBreakIntoCode", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowSpecialKeys", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowBypassKey", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowFullMenus", 1, bOn
    fnSetDatabaseProperty "AllowBuiltinToolbars", 1, bOn
    Application.SetHiddenAttribute acTable, "zLockReleaseDatabase", Not bOn
End Sub

Function fnSetDatabaseProperty(ByVal sPropName As String, Optional ByVal lngPropType As Long, Optional vPropValue As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim s As String, bCreate As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next
    If CurrentProject.ProjectType = acADP Then
        s = CurrentProject.Properties(sPropName).Name
        s = CurrentDb.Properties(sPropName).Name
    End If
    If Err.Number > 0 Then bCreate = True
    On Error GoTo P_Error

    If bCreate Then
        If Not IsMissing(vPropValue) Then
            If CurrentProject.ProjectType = acADP Then
                CurrentProject.Properties.Add sPropName, vPropValue
                If lngPropType = 0 Then lngPropType = varType(vPropValue)
                CurrentDb.Properties.Append CurrentDb.CreateProperty(sPropName, lngPropType, vPropValue)
            End If
        End If
        If IsMissing(vPropValue) Then
            If CurrentProject.ProjectType = acADP Then
                CurrentProject.Properties.Remove sPropName
                CurrentDb.Properties.Delete sPropName
            End If
            If CurrentProject.ProjectType = acADP Then
                CurrentProject.Properties(sPropName).Value = vPropValue
                CurrentDb.Properties(sPropName).Value = vPropValue
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If Not CurrentProject.ProjectType = acADP Then
    End If
    fnSetDatabaseProperty = True

    Exit Function
    'GetError Err.Number, Err.description, Erl, CurrentObjectName, "SetDatabaseProperty"
    Resume P_Exit
End Function

Function fnSetProperties(strPropName As String, varPropType As Variant, varPropValue As Variant) As Integer

    On Error GoTo Err_SetProperties

    Dim db As DAO.database, prp As DAO.Property

    Set db = CurrentDb
    db.Properties(strPropName) = varPropValue
    fnSetProperties = True
    Set db = Nothing

    Exit Function

    If Err = 3270 Then                           'Property not found
        Set prp = db.CreateProperty(strPropName, varPropType, varPropValue)
        db.Properties.Append prp
        Resume Next
        fnSetProperties = False
        MsgBox "SetProperties", Err.Number, Err.Description
        Resume Exit_SetProperties
    End If
End Function


  • You understand that attempting to reference a property which does not exist triggers error #3270, "Property not found." And you expect to suppress the display of that error message when you include On Error Resume Next before referencing the property.

    However, although your code includes On Error Resume Next before s = CurrentDb.Properties(sPropName).Name, Access still displayed the error message whenever property sPropName did not exist.

    The only way I could find to replicate that behavior is by setting Access' Error Trapping option to "Break on All Errors" With that setting, the following simple procedure displays the "Property not found" error message despite On Error Resume Next --- the same situation you're dealing with. It appears "Break on All Errors" trumps On Error Resume Next.

    Public Sub test_04()
        Dim s As String
        Dim sPropName As String
        sPropName = "BOGUS" ' no such property exists in my database
        On Error Resume Next
        s = CurrentDb.Properties(sPropName).Name
    End Sub

    If I change my Error Trapping option to either "Break in Class Module" or "Break on Unhandled Errors", that procedure does not display the error message. With those options, the behavior is determined by On Error Resume Next --- the code continues on without displaying an error message.