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How do I implement inout port into interface and connect to DUT?

I'm trying to implement an inout port into an interface and connect it to DUT.

This is the original DUT.

module mem_ram (
  clk     , // clock input                                               
  cs      , // chip select                                               
  a_we    , // channel A write enable                                    
  a_oe    , // channel A output enable                                   
  a_addr  , // channel A address                                         
  a_data  , // channel A inout data                                      
  b_we    , // channel B write enable                                    
  b_oe    , // channel B output enable                                   
  b_addr  , // channel B address                                         
  b_data    // channel B inout data                                      

    // Setup some parameters                                             
    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8;  // word size of the memory                
    parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 17;//8;  // number of memory words, e.g. 2^8-1
    parameter RAM_DEPTH  = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;                              
    // Define inputs                                                     
    input clk,  cs;                                                      
    input a_we, a_oe, b_we, b_oe;                                        
    input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] a_addr, b_addr;                               
    // Data is bidirectional
    inout [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] a_data;                                       
    inout [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] b_data;


   assign a_data = (a_oe && cs && !a_we)? r_data : 8'bz;
   assign b_data = (b_oe && cs && !b_we)? r_data : 8'bz;

This is the original testbench:

module tb_mem_ram();

    // Define our controlled signals
    reg clk=0;
    reg cs=0;
    reg a_we, a_oe, b_we=0, b_oe=1;
    wire [7:0] a_data;     // this is the connection to ramcu data port
    reg [7:0] a_addr=0;     // this is the address for port A
    wire [7:0] b_data;     // this is the connection to ramcu data port
    reg [7:0] b_addr=0;     // this is the address for port A

    reg  [7:0] a_data_value; // need a register to store value to send on a write
    reg  [7:0] b_data_value; // need a register to store value to send on a write
    // Instantiate our DUT
    mem_ram dut (
        clk     , // clock input
        cs      , // chip select
        a_we    , // channel A write enable
        a_oe    , // channel A output enable
        a_addr  , // channel A address
        a_data  , // channel A inout data
        b_we    , // channel B write enable
        b_oe    , // channel B output enable
        b_addr  , // channel B address
        b_data    // channel B inout data

assign a_data = !a_oe ? a_data_value : 'bz;
assign b_data = !b_oe ? b_data_value : 'bz;

To connect between DUT and testbench, I implemented an interface as below:

   interface mem_intf();
    logic   clk    ;
    logic   cs     ;
    logic   a_we   ;
    logic   a_oe   ;
    logic   [16:0]  a_addr ;                      
    logic   [7:0]   a_data ;                      
    wire    [7:0]   a_data_w ;
    logic   b_we   ;
    logic   b_oe   ;
    logic   [16:0]  b_addr ;
    logic   [7:0]   b_data ;
    wire    [7:0]   b_data_w ;
    assign a_data_w = a_data;
    assign b_data_w = b_data;

and I revised as below:

module mem_ram (
mem_intf intf

    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1]; 
    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] r_data;               
    reg r_a_oe;                                                  
    reg r_b_oe;                                                                             
    always@ (posedge intf.clk) begin                                     
        if (intf.cs) begin                                               
            if (intf.a_we)                                               
                mem[intf.a_addr] <= intf.a_data;                         
            if (intf.b_we)                                               
                mem[intf.b_addr] <= intf.b_data;                         
            r_data <= mem[intf.a_addr];                                  
       r_a_oe   <= intf.a_oe;
        r_b_oe   <= intf.b_oe;

    // arrange outputs
    assign intf.a_data = (intf.a_oe && intf.cs && !intf.a_we)? r_data : 8'bz;
    assign intf.b_data = (intf.b_oe && intf.cs && !intf.b_we)? r_data : 8'bz;

and tb is

interface mem_intf(input clk);

//logic clk    ;
logic   cs     ;
logic   a_we   ;
logic   a_oe   ;
logic   [16:0]  a_addr ;
logic   [7:0]   a_data ;
wire    [7:0]   a_data_w ;
logic   b_we   ;
logic   b_oe   ;
logic   [16:0]  b_addr ;
logic   [7:0]   b_data ;
wire    [7:0]   b_data_w ;

assign a_data_w = a_data;
assign b_data_w = b_data;


module tb_mem_ram;
bit clk;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

    mem_intf intf(clk);
   reg  [7:0] a_data_value; // need a register to store value to send on a write
   reg  [7:0] b_data_value; // need a register to store value to send on a write
    // Instantiate our DUT
    mem_ram dut (

assign intf.a_data = !intf.a_oe ? a_data_value : 'bz;
assign intf.b_data = !intf.b_oe ? b_data_value : 'bz;

initial begin
 assign b_data_value = intf.a_data;

When I compile this, I got error messages:

 Variable 'tb_mem_ram.intf.a_data' has multiple conflicting drivers and the indicated continuous assignment in scope 'tb_mem_ram.dut' is contributing to this conflict set.
assign intf.a_data = !intf.a_oe ? a_data_value : 'bz;
 Variable 'tb_mem_ram.intf.a_data' has multiple conflicting drivers and the indicated continuous assignment in scope 'tb_mem_ram' is contributing to this conflict set.
    assign intf.b_data = (intf.b_oe && intf.cs && !intf.b_we)? r_data : 8'bz;

If I commented them, the compile passed, but inout port does not work. How do I implement inout port into interface and connect to DUT?

Complete example in


  • To get rid of the compile errors, change logic to wire in the mem_intf interface:

    wire [7:0]   a_data ;
    wire [7:0]   b_data ;

    wire is a net type, which supports multiple tri-state drivers.