I found this (github) html starter page for google auth, and I wanted to make it into a astro component. Im wanted to convert this to a .astro
file and be able to pass in the variables for CLIENT_ID and API_KEY from the backend. I
Here's the HTML code from google:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Google Calendar API Quickstart</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<p>Google Calendar API Quickstart</p>
<!--Add buttons to initiate auth sequence and sign out-->
<button id="authorize_button" onclick="handleAuthClick()">Authorize</button>
<button id="signout_button" onclick="handleSignoutClick()">Sign Out</button>
<pre id="content" style="white-space: pre-wrap;"></pre>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* exported gapiLoaded */
/* exported gisLoaded */
/* exported handleAuthClick */
/* exported handleSignoutClick */
// TODO(developer): Set to client ID and API key from the Developer Console
const API_KEY = '<YOUR_API_KEY>';
// Discovery doc URL for APIs used by the quickstart
const DISCOVERY_DOC = 'https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/calendar/v3/rest';
// Authorization scopes required by the API; multiple scopes can be
// included, separated by spaces.
const SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly';
let tokenClient;
let gapiInited = false;
let gisInited = false;
document.getElementById('authorize_button').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('signout_button').style.visibility = 'hidden';
* Callback after api.js is loaded.
function gapiLoaded() {
gapi.load('client', intializeGapiClient);
* Callback after the API client is loaded. Loads the
* discovery doc to initialize the API.
async function intializeGapiClient() {
await gapi.client.init({
apiKey: API_KEY,
discoveryDocs: [DISCOVERY_DOC],
gapiInited = true;
* Callback after Google Identity Services are loaded.
function gisLoaded() {
tokenClient = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient({
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
scope: SCOPES,
callback: '', // defined later
gisInited = true;
* Enables user interaction after all libraries are loaded.
function maybeEnableButtons() {
if (gapiInited && gisInited) {
document.getElementById('authorize_button').style.visibility = 'visible';
* Sign in the user upon button click.
function handleAuthClick() {
tokenClient.callback = async (resp) => {
if (resp.error !== undefined) {
throw (resp);
document.getElementById('signout_button').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('authorize_button').innerText = 'Refresh';
await listUpcomingEvents();
if (gapi.client.getToken() === null) {
// Prompt the user to select a Google Account and ask for consent to share their data
// when establishing a new session.
tokenClient.requestAccessToken({prompt: 'consent'});
} else {
// Skip display of account chooser and consent dialog for an existing session.
tokenClient.requestAccessToken({prompt: ''});
* Sign out the user upon button click.
function handleSignoutClick() {
const token = gapi.client.getToken();
if (token !== null) {
document.getElementById('content').innerText = '';
document.getElementById('authorize_button').innerText = 'Authorize';
document.getElementById('signout_button').style.visibility = 'hidden';
* Print the summary and start datetime/date of the next ten events in
* the authorized user's calendar. If no events are found an
* appropriate message is printed.
async function listUpcomingEvents() {
let response;
try {
const request = {
'calendarId': 'primary',
'timeMin': (new Date()).toISOString(),
'showDeleted': false,
'singleEvents': true,
'maxResults': 10,
'orderBy': 'startTime',
response = await gapi.client.calendar.events.list(request);
} catch (err) {
document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message;
const events = response.result.items;
if (!events || events.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('content').innerText = 'No events found.';
// Flatten to string to display
const output = events.reduce(
(str, event) => `${str}${event.summary} (${event.start.dateTime || event.start.date})\n`,
document.getElementById('content').innerText = output;
<script async defer src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js" onload="gapiLoaded()"></script>
<script async defer src="https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client" onload="gisLoaded()"></script>
I quickly found there's no way to template these variables into the <script>
tag. I tried attaching the variables to window
and other sneaky things nothing worked.
You can share the server variables to client side by defining define:vars
attribute on <script />
or <style />
tag in the .astro
Read the astro documentation here for more information.
Example as below ( source : Astro documentation )
const foregroundColor = "rgb(221 243 228)"; // CSS variable shared
const backgroundColor = "rgb(24 121 78)"; // CSS variable shared
const message = "Astro is awesome!"; // Javascript variable shared
/* +++++ CSS variables to share as below +++++ */
<style define:vars={{ textColor: foregroundColor, backgroundColor }}>
h1 {
background-color: var(--backgroundColor);
color: var(--textColor);
/* ++++ Javascript variables to share as below ++++ */
<script define:vars={{ message }}>
There is also a concept of sharing states using nanostore
stated in documentation . It
allows sharing states between components at framework level on
client-side. Not between client and server.
Theoretically sharing states from server to client can be done using
hydration technique by combining define:vars
and nanostore
library map
api during the onLoad
event may be 🧪.
on a<script>
tag implies theis:inline
directive, which means your scripts or styles won’t be bundled and will be inlined directly into the HTML.This is because when Astro bundles a script, it includes and runs the script once even if you include the component containing the script multiple times on one page. define:vars requires a script to rerun with each set of values, so Astro creates an inline script instead.
For scripts, try passing variables to scripts manually instead.
Source: Astro documentation