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Custom components in Markdown / MDX on Astro

I would like to be able to replace the default code that Astro uses to render some Markdown elements.

For example, it would be nice that when I type :

Some Text



Some other text

I could get

<p>Some Text</p>
<div data-lightbox="true">
<div class="divider my-2" />
<p>Some other text</p>

So that it replaces the default code for the image and the divider.

Right now I just copy-paste the HTML / JSX code when I need it, but it would be nice to be able to have it automatically done.


  • It's actually pretty simple with mdx as mentioned in the docs Custom components with imported MDX and custom components to html .

    define your custom component, say maybe H1


    const props = Astro.props;
    <h1 {...props} class="bg-red-100"><slot /></h1>

    use the above defined custom h1 component in your markdown files as below

    import H1Component from '../components/H1Component.astro';
    export const components = {h1: H1Component}
    # Red Coloured Custom H1 Component


    wherever you render the content pass your custom components as below

    <Content components={{...components, h1: H1Component }} />


    enter image description here