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I am not able to import pywinauto into my program

I am not able to import pywinauto into my program, I have installed pywinauto using pip and I checked to see if I have the latest python downloaded on my machine. This is the error message I am getting:

import pywinauto ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywinauto'

please help!


  • Make sure that pywinauto is downloaded in pycharm and not just in your base python installation. Check in cmd using pip list to see if it is installed in base installation and to see it in pycharm go to File > settings... > Check you python interpreter if it is correct one else check the package is listed or not, if not then click on + icon, search and install. If you are behind a corporate firewall and ran into a problem searching for the package you can do this: I went through Settings/Appearance and Behavior/System Settings/HTTP Proxy and check Auto-detect proxy settings and it let me search and find pywinauto. Thank you to all who helped contribute to this answer in this thread