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Vue 3 Pina trying to test a pina store that has a dependency on another store

I basically have a store that depends on another store and I don't see a way to only mock the dependent store. example pseudo code vue 3 ish:

// the store I want to mock
export const useStore1 = defineStore({
    id: 'store1',
    state: (): State => ({
        someName:'blarg', // I know this is static but lets pretend it can change.
    // getter I want to mock
    getters: {
        name: (state) => state.someName,

// store I want to test

export const useStoreTwo = defineStore({
    id: 'store2',
    state: (): State => ({
    getters: {
        value: (state) => {
        const store1 = useStore1() // dependency here
        return `${} state.someValue`

it('should return something' () => {
         someplace I would mock useStateOne and have it return
         a stub store with the getter name that returns 'foo'
      const store2 = useStoreTwo();
      expect(store2.value).toBe('foo bar');


  • It is helpful to you.

    By default, any getter will be computed like regular usage but you can manually force a value by setting the getter to anything you want

    import { createTestingPinia } from '@pinia/testing';
    const pinia = createTestingPinia()
    it('should return something' () => {
       const store1 = useStore1(pinia); = "foobar";
       const store2 = useStoreTwo();